
Showing posts from March, 2020

Your Truthers DO Want to Kill You

Here's Alex Jones, CIA operative. Oh, he married into the Nichols family. And who is Kelly Rebecca Nichols? Just another Jew who married another media personality. Shocker!  Think this may have something to do with Jones' alleged Mossad connections? Still can't place that name "Nichols?" Here's Terry Nichols. Oh, Ok, let me jog your memory:Terry Nichols was either a CIA agent or a drug runner who purchased drugs from the CIA , along with his buddy McVeigh.  Either way, he worked for them. We know this because he purchased drugs from the CIA operated drug ring that was being run on Hugh's farm in Michigan. Your CIA trades weapons for drugs, then sells them in the United States.  They set up their trade on Hugh's farm in order to set up Hugh for a big drug bust. However, Hugh busted them instead.  Notice that  Nichols is from Lapeer, Michigan, not far from Hugh's farm.  So we have Kelly Rebecca Nichols, a Jew media mogul, and Terry Nichols

Georgia Guidestones do NOT Want to KILL You!

 Isabella Gardner Museum. Hugh lived on Isabella St Street, where one of the recent Star Wars movie was cast. Actress Ava Gardner Hugh's family cemetery Will from Hugh's Aunt Gardner who would take him to the World's Fair around the world. Look who Bill Gates Sr. is married to, Mimi Gardner Alex Jones ended up with this chalk pic. Look at the signature. Gardner. The Same Alex Jones who used the Gardner picture to lie to you about 9-11, was the same Alex Jones who told you b.s. about Bill Gates wanting to kill everyone with vaccines, and the same Alex Jones who gave you the b.s. story about the Georgia Guidestones. Robert Christian is a pseudonym for J.C. Chrisiensen.  This was Hugh's boss.  Hugh worked for J.C. Christensen in the northern Ohio area.  One of these places was J.C. Electric.  Most likely, J.C. Christensen owned this company, but I haven't looked into it. Hugh reports that the original J.C. Christensen corporation was sold to a

Bill Gates is NOT Trying to Kill You!

First let's start with rear Admiral Richard E Byrd: Your so-called "truthers" like Alex Jones and other CIA led agents of disinformation will tell you that Admiral Byrd left a diary telling you that world is hollow. That's nothing more than just a false fulfillment of Jules Verne's book Journey to the Center of the Earth.        Alex Jones is using a very old playbook.  His agenda is a continuation of journalist John T Flynn, who was saying the same tired old refrain as far back as the 1920's.  It worked then, and its working now.   Admiral Byrd is Hugh Squier's uncle.  Hugh is the closest link you are going to get to Admiral Byrd, who is openly speaking out about Byrd.   Why would anyone take the word of Alex Jones over the nephew of Admiral Byrd?  Hugh says "there is no Byrd diary." period.....   There's nothing more to be said about . Here's a little more about the Byrd family: Admiral Byrd is related to the late U.S. Senator

Baker/Graham Pedo Connection

Baker College on Hugh's street was owned by Hugh's family. Founded on a number marked by 9-11 and the year of Hugh's birth 53. Don't think for one second that any of that is coincidence!!! You might recall that Hugh's friend Walt Disney, with whom he went to church, told Hugh that he would mark a movie with his birth date "Herbie the Lovebug" with the same number, 53: You may remember something about that name "Baker."  It's significant that swindling tv evangelist Jim Bakker is from Muskegon, Michigan (not too far from the Detroit area that Hugh is from.) His former, infamous wife was Tammy Bakker, and it's no coincidence that this is the name of a close relative of Hugh's as well. Here is the Baker family mentioned in the Warren Report (which is named after Warren, Michigan where Hugh is from-and is the reason you recently had Warren running for President in 2020.) Hugh's one time girl friend P--- Baker once live