Your Truthers DO Want to Kill You

Here's Alex Jones, CIA operative. Oh, he married into the Nichols family.

And who is Kelly Rebecca Nichols? Just another Jew who married another media personality. Shocker!  Think this may have something to do with Jones' alleged Mossad connections?

Still can't place that name "Nichols?" Here's Terry Nichols.
Oh, Ok, let me jog your memory:Terry Nichols was either a CIA agent or a drug runner who purchased drugs from the CIA , along with his buddy McVeigh.  Either way, he worked for them. We know this because he purchased drugs from the CIA operated drug ring that was being run on Hugh's farm in Michigan. Your CIA trades weapons for drugs, then sells them in the United States.  They set up their trade on Hugh's farm in order to set up Hugh for a big drug bust. However, Hugh busted them instead.  Notice that  Nichols is from Lapeer, Michigan, not far from Hugh's farm.  So we have Kelly Rebecca Nichols, a Jew media mogul, and Terry Nichols, whom we KNOW was a CIA drug runner. Think Alex Jones has CIA connections? hmmmmm?

Now look at, rather, Alex Jones date of birth:..I'm sure it's just "Coincidence" that he was born on the reverse date of the JFK assassination, 2/11 instead of 11/22 and that he was born in Dallas, where JFK was shot....totally believable!

How about this A--hole, Julian A--ange.  Ok, so he's a rapist...guess that makes him qualified to be a real truther, doesn't it? I'm going to love some of the responses in the comments as really dumb people tell me they don't believe WIKI pedia, but totally believe WIKI leaks!!  "Wiki" is related to witchcraft.  It's ALL manipulated information! We know that.  But that doesn't mean we can't look through the B.S. and throw it all back at them!

Wi-cca,  Wi-tch, Wi-cked,  all come from the same root.

And this sort of witching has been going on a long, long time. Paul the Apostle once asked "O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth,...?"  And the people bewitching the Galatians were not the evil Romans, but rather people pretending to know truth....just like today's "truthers."

A--ange pretended to have Hillary's emails from Chelsea MANNING.  The whole story is a LIE, and since A--ange is a wanted man, what choice does he really have but to cooperate in giving you the story?

Here is what really happened.  Hugh Squier lived on the Manning Ranch in Greenville, Tennessee.  Obama's CBS White House Corespondent Major Tom Garrett sent Hillary's emails to Hugh, to hide them from investigators seeking to prosecute Hillary for selling away America's uranium.  He literally sent the hard drives to Hugh's computer business!  Major Tom Garrett broke the story about Bradley Manning becoming Chelsea Manning at the SAME TIME.  Then this sick perv helped organize the news outlets to cover up the murder of Hugh's wife, Victoria Melan at the Manning Ranch. NOT ONE news story, not even the local newspaper (which NOT incidentally was run by a man named "Alex Jones" but not the one from Texas) or anywhere else. Total news blackout. That takes some serious power to organize that.

    So what other "truthers" are out there lying to us all?  Well, there's Edward Snowden.  Did you catch this story recently on the news, or did it get drowned out by the coronavirus coverage?

We already know the media works with the CIA to lie to you, and they involve Hugh to do it.  Here, a woman named Martha McKay was murdered in the "Snowden House"and  is murdered 24 years after her mother is murdered in the same house. And where is this house? Oh, in HUGHES, Arkansas.  Look at the 24 years.  This is the 2 and the 4 on Hugh's baby pictures that were taken on 9-11 by Mr. Towers!

-These photos were developed 10 days after they were taken.

The story even gives a report from another Jones! ...And in the third paragraph, you have Baker!  Go back 5 videos to see how I exposed the Baker/Graham pedo connections!  Yeah, all these names are related, and your false media managed to throw all of them in one article.  Do you REALLY think these murders were not coordinated? Please, "truthers." You can't be a truther if you can't make basic connections.  This one is REAL simple.

And who is the current governor in the state that JFK is from? Oh yeah....BAKER.  See how they keep doing that?

Even the Sheriff in the story marks Hughs life. His name is Allen, and Detective Allen Akers was hired to protect Hugh in his story. (I can't possibly chase every single one of these rabbit holes in a single video so I'm just going to leave it at that for now.)

So Edward Snowden is now "Snowed in" in Russia, supposedly with information he took from the CIA.  But Snowden is married to Lindsay MILLS.  Now that's a name that really matters in Hugh's life.  It was publisher Mills who told Hugh that he should only write songs for him, and not become a publisher. He told Hugh that he would never make it as a publisher.  And this is a HUGE piece of what really happened on 9-11...the cover-up of the theft of Hugh's Bottomline trademark.  Now we see the name Snowden being used as hit men murder the McKay's to present the world with yet another misdirection in the news.  Doesn't that just SCREAM that the whole Edward Snowden story is completely fabricated...or at the very least,  that Snowden is a controlled, wanna be leaker,  being used by the CIA?

When's the last time Snowden ever told you something you didn't already know?  All of his supposed releases are either common information or complete b.s. (that stands for "bologna sandwiches, btw.)  He said that the CIA is keeping a record of your information, and that is complete misdirection. No, they do not.  Your server has always kept a back up of information in case of power outages. Besides, you KNOW he worked for the way they could possibly be lying about any or say...every last bit of the Edward Snowden there?

    Ok, let's move on. Let's check out Jesse Ventura. Now seriously, why would ANYONE EVER believe a WRESTLER is doing something REAL?  Do you really think the WWE is real? They even stole their trademark WWE from the World Wildlife Fund and got sued.  They also stole Hugh Squier's trademark "Bottomline" which is the reason you always here "Stone Cold Steve Austin" yelling "And that's the Bottom Line..."  They know EXACTLY what they are saying. They even have that reputation for STEALING TRADEMARKS.  Please don't tell me you're too stupid to put this together but still call yourself a "truther!"

Don't forget who these people are!  Did you forget about Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage saying they would destroy the "Twin Towers?!"  Quit thinking these actors are somehow not connected to Hollywood and the media!!!!!

Oh, and what's his name again? "Austin." You mean, like where Alex Jones is from? Yeah, just like that. And what's his real name? Steven "Anderson."  That's just like the name of one of the rapists who kidnapped kids in Oakland County.  Gee, I wonder if the WWE and Vince McMahon are part of the cover-up of the truth of Hugh Squier and the murder of kids and of the President and of 9-11? Oh, no chance of that....

And Hulk Hogan used to be a bouncer at Cavi's, a club where Hugh used to play for Bottomline in Michigan.

 So what's Jesse Ventura up to now?

Oh, he just works for RUSSIA TV now, that's all. No, that's not at all like Edward Snowden in Russia... Jesse is just tellin you the truth...just like Snowden! *sigh
    Americans really are this stupid now that I have to actually explain that wrestlers are NOT REAL and you SHOULDN'T BELIEVE THEM!
    And did you see that article on the left? Once again, Chelsea Manning is being used as a distraction in the news while Covid-19 (like 9-11) rages on. Shocker.

I am so disappointed that America's "truthers" are all being led and orchestrated by the CIA via professional wrestlers and Alex Jones and none of you know the truth.  Some of you still think the world is flat, that 5-G is actually causing Coronavirus, that Bill Gates wants to kill you, and that the Georgia Guidestones, despite my having a real life witness (Hugh Squier) who actually worked for J.C. Christenson that built them saying to the contrary, you think they say the Illuminati wants you all dead.

These are the people HIDING the truth of JFK, Jimmy Hoffa, pedophilia, and 9-11. It is THEY who will kill you.  It is THEY who trade American weapons for drugs, then sell them on America's streets, as with Noriega's drugs, and with Fast and Furious. And you BELIEVE THEM over the real truth.

9-11 was about covering up the theft by publishers, Hollywood, and the WWE, the lawyers' bar,  and others of Bottomline.  It is about revenge for Hugh helping Congress rewrite the Berne Convention, which cost them all billion upon billions of dollars.  It is about covering up Noriega's drugs being sold on the streets of America by your CIA. It's about keeping you from learning WHICH governors, and WHICH musicians, and WHICH publishers are raping kids and throwing their bodies on Hugh's farm.  It's a It's about keeping you from ever learning the real truth about the murder of your President, JFK. 

These are the REAL people who will and are killing you.  They destroyed the Twin Towers, they sent us to war, and they are now creating and distributing Covid-19 (like 9-11) to murder millions more people around the world.  This is the REAL truth, not the complete lies you are following now.

I've delivered your mail, America.  What are you going to do with it?


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