*President Grover Cleveland

*VP Adlai Ewing Stevenson Sr  1892 VP

*VP's grandson Adlai Ewing Stevenson, Jr - born in LA, Cali. Seaman in the U.S. Navy. Lost run for Pres 1952 and 56. Illinois governor. Appointed by JFK to UN as ambassador. Died in this role 1965 heart attack, in London.

*Adlai Ewing Stevenson Jr. Inspired George Wallace of Alabama, who became gov. in 1962. Backed by the KKK. Had been a WWII bomber of the U.S. Air Force.  George Wallace lived 1919-1998. Dad was a farmer.

*Hubert Humphreys, born in 1911 (of all years, as it depicts what 9-11 would mean to Hugh Squier) in the town of WALLACE, SD.   He was U.S. senator from Minnesota. Became LBJ's VP in 1964, only 2 years after the death of George Wallace. He was clearly a friend to MLK...who was most certainly a serial rapist

I find it so odd that a song was supposedly made about Hubert Humphreys about the same time Hugh Squier's trademark is being stolen by many artists throughout the country.  It was titled "Whatever became of Hugh?"

Hubert Humphrey on 9/7/64 said to organized labor that they "had more at stake in this election than almost any other segment of society."  This was 8 years before the murder of Jimmy Hoffa of the Teamsters at Hugh Squier's home on 26 Mile Road in New Haven, Michigan. What was Hubert Humphrey really saying? Was he making a prophetic warning?

*Margaret Hamilton was a school teacher who had played the "Wicked Witch of the West" on the show Wizard of Oz. 
This was HUGH SQUIER's kindergarten teacher, and she really was a wicked witch!  Hugh recounts her telling him that she was related to governor Wallace. Now, Hugh was being raped and tortured by the relatives of governors at this time. One of these rapists was from the Wallace family.  Another one was from the Osbourn Family....(Margaret played the Wicked Witch on what?...the Wizard of OZ!) This is NOT a coincidence. 
Now Margaret was born in Cleveland Ohio. We already said that his VP's grandson, Adlai Stevenson was a big influence on George Wallace.  President Grover Cleveland was also related to the founder of Cleveland, Ohio General Moses Cleveland:
Margaret Cleveland was a practicing witch. She would give over her children in her class to the pedophile gangs that included the rapists Osbourne and Wallace. Hugh Squier was one of the children in this class that she would repeatedly give over to the rapists.
So Adlai Stevenson influenced governor George Wallace...a Wallace was a pedo rapist victimizing children in Margaret Cleveland's office. Hubert Humphrey became VP in 64 and he was from Wallace, South Dakota. And now, let's look at:

*Raymond WALLACE Bolger, the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz.  Well, would you look at that, yet another Wallace. He kept his famous mother Anne C Wallace's last name for his middle name. They were Roman Catholic, btw and the rapes were being done in full recognition of the Catholic Church where Father O'Donnell accepted confessions, including those of Hugh Squier. Father O'Donnell would later testify in the Warren report (think Warren County, Michigan) that Oswald killed JFK.  Oh, and was that another "OZ" there in "Oswald?" Do you REALLY think that's just another coincidence?   I'm also curious if Raymond Wallace Bolger, who was Roman Catholic is related to Whitey Bolger...the infamous gangster. All gangsters, btw are Roman Catholic at this time.


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