Georgia Guidestones do NOT Want to KILL You!

 Isabella Gardner Museum. Hugh lived on Isabella St Street, where one of the recent Star Wars movie was cast.

Actress Ava Gardner

Hugh's family cemetery

Will from Hugh's Aunt Gardner who would take him to the World's Fair around the world.

Look who Bill Gates Sr. is married to, Mimi Gardner

Alex Jones ended up with this chalk pic. Look at the signature. Gardner.

The Same Alex Jones who used the Gardner picture to lie to you about 9-11, was the same Alex Jones who told you b.s. about Bill Gates wanting to kill everyone with vaccines, and the same Alex Jones who gave you the b.s. story about the Georgia Guidestones.

Robert Christian is a pseudonym for J.C. Chrisiensen.  This was Hugh's boss.  Hugh worked for J.C. Christensen in the northern Ohio area.  One of these places was J.C. Electric.  Most likely, J.C. Christensen owned this company, but I haven't looked into it.

Hugh reports that the original J.C. Christensen corporation was sold to a Japanese company.  It no longer exists.  J.C. Christensen ran a jobber shop and bid on contracts to build the tools for auto company assembly lines.  Christensen and Hugh also worked with an indian chief from Michigan, who held strong, Earth-friendly religious/eco views. If I'm not mistaken, this may have been Amo Chase of Chase Banks. He was a billionaire and a friend of Hugh's Aunt Gardner. If I am mistaken about this, I will correct it later in the description of my You-Tube video and at the bottom of these notes. Both Amo, and J.C. Christensen were exceptionally wealthy men. This is very important,because he strongly influenced the writing that J.C. put on the stones. Much of J.C. Christensen's money came through the diligence and inventiveness of Hugh, who invented many tools and machines that were put into the assembly lines.

 Another man who worked with Hugh and J.C. Christensen at this time was none other than John Bolton. Hugh was a friend of Bolton. They built planes together in their spare time.


It's very likely that J.C. Christensen is related to William Christensen, who was a construction engineer at the Hershey's factory!! Pennsylvania is right next to Ohio, btw!

I find it fascinating that the people of Hershey's day rose up against him, after he did everything in his power to keep them employed during the Depression:

After the Depression, Hershey workers went on strike against the very man who sustained them through the hard times!!
Why do Americans continually attack their own founders, their own employers, and the people who invent MOST of the things they use every day? What is WRONG with you, America?  Have you been bewitched by false "truthers" like Alex Jones? Why did Alex Jones teach you to attack the Gardner family through Bill Gates?  Is he covering up the REAL truth of your country? YES.

Don't roll the dice on truth! It's amazing to me that over 500K people have seen Mark Dice lie to you about the Georgia Guidestones, while the only video on the internet telling you the truth of the Guidestones, is likely to get somewhere between 50 to 200 views!!!! (unless YOU change that by sharing the truth!)

Why drink the Jones Kool-Aid? Haven't you heard what happens to those who drink the Jones Kool-Aid?  Why do you think you are getting so called "truth" yet again from someone named "Jones?"

You remember that Indiana Jones was giving you fictitious history, also...right?....RIGHT?

You guys know that's a movie prop...right?  I'm afraid for my country when I hear what some of you believe is true. You think the world is flat, your founders want you dead, and the Georgia Guidestones were built by the Illuminati. And ALL of that is COMPLETE b.s.!! (that stands for "bologna sandwiches," by the way.)

So let's look at the TOTALITY of what the Georgia Guidestones say:

If it wasn't for that number ONE, everyone would say "Oh, how wonderful! It's just Earth-religion and good stewardship of the planet!" Very few would disagree with the other nine suggestions.  Notice they are suggestions, not commands. The Guidestones are build to last for thousands of years, just like Stonehenge.  They ten suggestions are written in multiple languages so that anyone who might find them after some future unknown apocalypse might see them and realize that the world DID NOT obey them.  Did you see that the first one says "maintain." It never says "kill millions of people and get the Earth's population down to 500 million.  Remember, these stones are built to OUTLAST the apocalypse, if it ever comes, not to cause it!!!  Why make them at all if they just intend to kill everyone and keep the Earth from ever being ruined to begin with? No. These were built because the builders believe that people are likely to ignore the Earth and kill it. So, they want some future generation to spring up from the ashes and learn what we didn't.  Now, I'm not saying you have to believe any of this, but that is clearly what J.C. Christensen and the Indian Chief that worked with Hugh  believed.

Ancient civilizations have given future cultures messages before.  In fact, i wrote a whole book about it!!! At one time, ancient cultures KNEW the size of the Earth and they TOLD YOU in the things they left you!

I feel in miniature a little like Bill Gates must feel sometimes when he is attempting to design toilets that work without water so people in the Third World can have better sanitation where water is scarce, and all the Alex Jones clowns say he wants to kill everyone.  So many people have come to me and made incredibly STUPID comments like "I saw the Moon last night, I know it's round."  They say that as the ENTIRE BOOK is about telling people that the ancients knew the real size (and by default, the shape) of the globe.  They completely paint an OPPOSITE picture of what my book actually sets out to show! How is that possible? And they do it without ever so much as reading the description!  And yet, many of you do it every day to people like Bill Gates.  You ignore the totality of his life and take a sentence out of context. Shame on you!  He makes a TED talk about a million good things, and in the middle throws in one line about vaccines, and Alex Jones tells you that means he wants to kill people, just like Alex Jones told you the Guidestones say to kill people, and NONE of that is true!  Context REALLY matters!

I have delivered your mail, America. What are you going to do with it?


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