Bill Gates is NOT Trying to Kill You!

First let's start with rear Admiral Richard E Byrd:

Your so-called "truthers" like Alex Jones and other CIA led agents of disinformation will tell you that Admiral Byrd left a diary telling you that world is hollow. That's nothing more than just a false fulfillment of Jules Verne's book Journey to the Center of the Earth. 
     Alex Jones is using a very old playbook.  His agenda is a continuation of journalist John T Flynn, who was saying the same tired old refrain as far back as the 1920's.  It worked then, and its working now.
Admiral Byrd is Hugh Squier's uncle.  Hugh is the closest link you are going to get to Admiral Byrd, who is openly speaking out about Byrd.   Why would anyone take the word of Alex Jones over the nephew of Admiral Byrd?  Hugh says "there is no Byrd diary." period.....   There's nothing more to be said about .

Here's a little more about the Byrd family:
Admiral Byrd is related to the late U.S. Senator from West Virginia Robert C. Byrd.  If you've ever been to WV, you've heard that name.  Until a couple years ago when he was beat out by a Michigan senator, Byrd was the longest serving Senator in U.S. history.  The state of WV readily shows his mark all over the state.
And, though he disavowed his membership, Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK. 

Another U.S. Senator who came before Robert Byrd was Harry F. Byrd from Virginia. 
Harry F. Byrd was also known as a segregationist/racist.
But more importantly is the fact that his family name goes all the way back to the original founder of Richmond, Virginia William Byrd II:

     What I am attempting to do is to show you the real Byrd family, not the fictitious family invented by Alex Jones and other so-called "truthers."  The Byrd family may have racist origins, but they are not fruitcakes who believe in hollow Earth, and think UFO's are flying in and out of it.  Much rather, they are part of the lineage of the REAL founders of your country!
      Why would anyone believe a guy whose last name is already associated with a cult of suicidal Kool-aid drinkers?
   Just as Alex Jones lived next to, and knows Hugh yet lives to confound the real truth of your country (he was born on 2-11...the REVERSE of the JFK assassination date of 11-22!!!) so also Jim Jones' middle name is "Warren."  That is no accident. Hugh is from Warren, Michigan. This is the place the very pedo murderers who killed the first Catholic President came from.  There was a LOT of fear in the pedo Catholic community in those days. What would happen to them if a CATHOLIC president was in charge of the newly formed CIA? So, they did something about it. That's the REAL truth of the JFK assassination.  It was Hugh's priest, Father O'Donnell from St Mary Magdalene's church (right next to Warren, Michigan) who testified in the Warren Commission to frame Oswald. The official government cover-up of the JFK assassination is called the "Warren Commission" after this town in Michigan.  This is also the reason you just had Elizabeth WARREN running for President.  None of these things just happen without vast planning. The hiding of the murder of a President is vast, and goes for decades. It will likely continue well after every last person involved is dead and forgotten.  But here is the REAL truth.  Pass it on to your children!
     With that said, what should you do when Alex Jones, or someone like him, gives you a story like this:

Should you just drink the Kool-aid?  To quote Thor from Avengers "I say thee neigh." No. Let's really look at the Gates family while keeping in the back of your mind who the Jones family is!

Here is General Horation Gates, who was a general in the AMERICAN REVOLUTION!

Here is your first Bill Gates, Army officer from West Point who fought in the War of 1812, the Mexican War, and the Civil War!!

Here is Lemuel Gates from the Revolutionary War...notice the circled and underlined areas:

In fact, just like the Byrd family, the Gates family goes all the way back to the very origins of our country!  Sir Thomas Gates was the FIRST GOVERNOR OF JAMESTOWN!!

     Has it occurred to anyone yet that just maybe there is a concerted effort to discredit, remove, and replace to real origins of our country? 

     Why do you think John Adams is now the Adams Family? Where is the Lincoln and Washington family today? How is it that General and President Dwight Eisenhower's own daughter Laura is now a fruitcake going on and on about UFO's?  Who's directing her?

I ask you, does it really seem likely that a family who left the old world to come to America, governed her first colony, and fought in the Revolution, War of 1812, the Mexican War, and the Civil trying to KILL YOU???????  No, rather someone is trying to kill his entire family legacy! 

The reality is, people are jealous of those who succeed.  As Americans, we must learn to appreciate those who created our nation, defended us, and employed us.  We really do owe them that.  Hugh Squier's family invented, then gave Bill Gates the software to make his first computers.   Hugh is the link between the Byrd family and the Gates family.  Is it any wonder that you have never heard of him?

Why defend a billionaire?  In fact, I paid HIM for the privilege, and I find it an honor to do so.  I purchased his software, and am right now using the fruits of his business to write this blog.  So is Alex Jones.

I delivered your mail, America.   What are you going to do with it?

Please remember to like, share and subscribe to my You Tube channel, Bowe n Arrow.

Here is a link to my new book which is downloadable via Etsy:

And remember, va jay jay's are better than bung holes!


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