
Showing posts from June, 2019

Hoover Dam

Originally called the "Boulder Dam" as far back as 1933. 33 is the final degree of Masonry. However it was renamed for President Hoover, whose last year in office was in 1933.  Renamed "Hoover Dam" in 19 47 . "Hoover Dam" = 47 , what are the chances? hmmm President Hoover was born in 18 74. "Hoover" = 83 like "Murder" = 83.  Notice how from the dam's dedication date (9/30/35)  to 8/11/19  is 83 years. The dam started and ended with murder rituals consisting first of a father and finally of his son. The father, J. G. Tierney was ritually murdered on 12/20/22 when he was said to be "surveying for a place to put the dam." Exactly 13 years later to the day, his son Patrick W. Tierney was sacrificially murdered on 12/20/35. 13 is considered a very unlucky number in the Jewish religion. It goes back to when the tribe of Dan left Israel and was ultimately replaced by Manasseh, making a total of 13 tribes. For this re

How to Construct a 113 False Reality Illusion

Disney sure likes that number 113! Surely this means something! It's everywhere! It's all over license plates! Oh, so they are going to tell us what it's all about.   How misleading!  A half truth is only a full lie. Sure, the number 113 is ON THE DOOR...but no one ever seems to ask "WHY is the number on the door in the first place?"  HERE is where the number 113 ACTUALLY comes from. It's gematria (the practice of pairing letters and numbers) for all these following words: And, as Zach Hubbard has pointed out (from Gematria Effect News on You Tube), the ORIGINAL source for 113 , and the reason these words were created to pair with the number 113, comes from the Talmud.  Baba Kamma 113 from the Talmud says that is is ok for Jews to deceive gentiles. Check out 113 paired with 119: Seems NASA has it's own 113 and 119 thing going on: The A and the S are circled for a reason. The red 'swoosh' is to inform you to

USS Chancellorsville 17 Ritual

 USS Chancellorsville nearly collided with the Russian ship Udaloy. (Udaloy was the class of the ship, not it's name) Check out how the date of this near miss pairs up so nicely with the gematria of the word "USS Chancellorsville." Remember much of the world would write the date as 7/6 rather than 6/7. How is it possible the US Navy is steering its ships around the world like a bunch of, well, pardon the pun, drunken sailors?  This is the 4th such incident that comes to my mind. How is this possible? I personally don't believe that our Naval personnel are just a bunch of morons. There is some sort of ritual going on here. First, let's look at the how the wording from the Fox News article lines up. Here's a link to the article: The article says the Navy accused the Russian vessel of "unsafe maneuver's."  The article also goes on to compare thi