Hoover Dam

Originally called the "Boulder Dam" as far back as 1933. 33 is the final degree of Masonry. However it was renamed for President Hoover, whose last year in office was in 1933.

 Renamed "Hoover Dam" in 1947. "Hoover Dam" = 47, what are the chances? hmmm President Hoover was born in 1874.

"Hoover" = 83 like
"Murder" = 83. 
Notice how from the dam's dedication date (9/30/35)  to 8/11/19  is 83 years.

The dam started and ended with murder rituals consisting first of a father and finally of his son.

The father, J. G. Tierney was ritually murdered on 12/20/22 when he was said to be "surveying for a place to put the dam."
Exactly 13 years later to the day, his son Patrick W. Tierney was sacrificially murdered on 12/20/35.
13 is considered a very unlucky number in the Jewish religion. It goes back to when the tribe of Dan left Israel and was ultimately replaced by Manasseh, making a total of 13 tribes. For this reason, Jesus was betrayed by Judas and replaced by Matthias. Jewish owed hotels often have no 13th floor, like the recent hotel at which I stayed at Myrtle Beach. 

Do you really think it is very likely a father and son would be killed EXACTLY the same day, on this must unfortunate number, 13, years later?  Perhaps, then you also believe that Redskins players Joe Thiessman and Alex Smith both also "coincidentally" broke the same leg, at the same hashmark, on the same day, EXACTLY 33 (33, again, is the final degree of Masonry) years later when each game had a score of 23-21, and both men had 309 pass attempts.

So, if you really believe that one, then sure, you probably also believe these two men were just "coincidentally" accidentally killed in such manner.  But for the rest of us who don't live wondering which tattoo we are going to put on our butts next while listening to Beyonce in line at the convenience mart to buy our next rigged lottery ticket, we simply aren't buying it.

Construction on the dam began in 19(31).  Originally built by private companies, it was officially handed over to the federal government on  (3/1) of  1936. 

The dam was dedicated on 9/30/19(35). Articles indicate that many people died of "pneumonia" which equals 135. I have to wonder if if this dam's dedication date and the pneumonia riddle is related in anyway to the "Golden Gate Bridge" which equals 135.  There is a theory that the bridge could possibly be attacked this August.  I find it interesting that other bridges that have been attacked bare the 35 insignia, namely the Silver Bridge in Point Pleasant, WV which had US 35 go across it and the Minnesota Bridge which had interstate 35 going across it.  From the dedication of the dam to the date of this possible attack on August eleventh of this year is, minus the years, a 315 day difference....very similar to 135. 

35 is related to the number 42 in biblical prophecy. In Revelation, the Antichrist will reign for 3.5 years (35) which is 42 months. This time is called the "Great Tribulation." The number of people who died of pneumonia during the construction period was 42 people. The articles make it strangely clear that no one in the town died of pneumonia during the same time period. This leads one to postulate that the number 42 has meaning that the initiated reader is supposed to understand. The word "Saturn" equals 42.  All sacrifices are considered to be saturnian rituals. The word "Saturn" is derived from the Egyptian god "Set" and is the origin of our word "Satan." This is also the reason the sun is said to "set" on the horizon. The sun has always been equated with God.

"Saturn" also equals 93.  It was 3 months, 9 days (39) from the dedication of the dam on 9/30 (93) to the next lunar eclipse. Perhaps this is the reason route 93 went across the crest of the dam for many years.  I noticed the articles making a point to tell us the temperature at the dedication, which was 39 degrees Celsius. And look what happens when you use numerology to add the numbers of the date of the dedication:  9+30+19+35 = 93.  Yet another 93 appears.  And, when comparing 93 to what we said about the number forty two in the last paragraph, one can see why the sun is said to be "93 million miles away."

"Saturn" also equals 69.  It will be 96 years from the sacrificial death of  J. G. Tierney 8/11/19.  There were 96 deaths that occurred during construction at the site. 

The full span from his death to this August eleventh, adds 7 months and 22 more days to the number of years listed above. Now 722 is a very important number. It represents the value of Pi, because 22 divided by 7 is three point one four. The Golden Gate Bridge that we fear may be attacked at this time is 227 meters high. The dam is now named for President Hoover, who also was born on August tenth. 

The Golden Gate Bridge is in San Francisco, where the "San Francisco Giants" play. This equals 114.  The Hoover Dam's coordinates is 114 degrees west. The dam is 14 meters thick at its crest. And, if you see the word "dam" in the Septenary cipher, you will see that "d" = 4  "a" = 1  and "m" = 1 which is 411.  411 is a common police code for "missing person."

Remember the father and son who were ritually sacrificed for this bridge's dedication? They both died on December 20. This date is 354th day of the year and leaves 11 days left in the year.  Compare this to 9/11/01, which is the 254th day of the year and leaves 111 days left in the year.  Seems the 11 is really important. The articles claim the dedication ceremony was moved back from two pm to 11 am.

Now 9-11 is synonymous with 112, which is the alternative emergency dialing number.  The articles state that 112 people died and that the reservoir created by the dam is 112 miles long. 

Now the previous lunar eclipse before the dedication of the dam occurred 76 days prior.  Now 76 is the hexadecimal value of 118. Read 118 backwards to see the date 8/11. One might be tempted to ignore the hexadecimal value, since it is not commonly used by other decoders. I would usually ignore it as well. However, the previous SOLAR eclipse before the dedication occurred 593 days prior. 593 is the 108th prime number. Read that backwards to reveal the date 8/10 or the tenth of August, if you prefer.  The dates we are concerned about this year are the dates related to the Tisha B'Av Jewish holiday, which occur on August 10 and 11 on our western calendar.

Back to J.G. Tierney, the father who was ritually sacrificed. Look at J.G. on the septenary cipher. The "J" is a 4 and the "G" is a 7 = 47. We already discussed how the dam was renamed the "Hoover Dam" on 1947 after a man born in 74. Now we have a sacrifice victim whose first two initials equal 47. Now from this man's sacrificial death to his son's sacrificial death is 4748 weeks.....essentially 47 said two times. 

Remember it was 13 years from J.G.'s death to his son's death.   Well, "J.G. Tierney" equals 113 in the English Ordinal cipher. The title of my last blog was "How to Construct a 113 False Reality." You might go back and read it to uncover the full importance of this number.  Now, "Patrick Tierney", the son  equals 91 in Reverse Full Reduction cipher. 91 is the 13th prime number.   The dam is now managed by the Bureau of Reclamation, which is headed by "Brenda Burman" which equals 113 and 50, just like "J. G. Tierney" equals 113 and 50.  Seems to head an agency, your gematria has to go along with the ritual. 

The Bureau of Reclamation began on 6/17  in 1902. Brenda Burman has headed this bureau since 11/17/17 and the bureau has a budget of $1.17 billion. It was 33 years after its opening (Masonic ritual completion) to the dedication date of the dam.





Tip presented on my You Tube channel "Bowe n Arrow" by "Tiger Momma." Much appreciation for the tip!

Gematria calculator

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