USS Chancellorsville 17 Ritual

 USS Chancellorsville nearly collided with the Russian ship Udaloy. (Udaloy was the class of the ship, not it's name)

Check out how the date of this near miss pairs up so nicely with the gematria of the word "USS Chancellorsville." Remember much of the world would write the date as 7/6 rather than 6/7.

How is it possible the US Navy is steering its ships around the world like a bunch of, well, pardon the pun, drunken sailors?  This is the 4th such incident that comes to my mind. How is this possible?

I personally don't believe that our Naval personnel are just a bunch of morons. There is some sort of ritual going on here. First, let's look at the how the wording from the Fox News article lines up. Here's a link to the article:

The article says the Navy accused the Russian vessel of "unsafe maneuver's."  The article also goes on to compare this event to a recent near collision between Russian and U.S. aircraft. The US aircraft was called the "P-8 A Poseidon."  So, let's compare "unsafe maneuver" to "P - 8 A Poseidon." As always we will be using the free online gematria calculator at

For simplicity's sake, I connected the matches for you.  Remember that the gematria "Rule of Colel" states that a number in gematria may be one off from another number without detracting from its message. Some would argue that 122 and 213 are not connected. I am only connecting them because clearly the other numbers match and though, 122 and 213 are not technically matches, they are a little similar because 1 and 2 are the same and 3 is only 1 off from 2. But I wouldn't argue the point.

The Fox News article says the event happened in the "Philippine Sea."  The Navy accused the Russian ship of not following the "Rules of the Road," apparently a term intended to describe some sort of code that allows for safe passage of seafaring vessels.  Let's compare the two terms:

The matches are rather obvious here.  If only we were trying to prove that the media loves to use terms that match in gematria value, I think we've done that.  But what is going on here is NOT simply a media farce. There are many of those sorts of stories created by the media, but this event actually shows on video a real US Navy ship nearly colliding with a real Russian ship.  Therefore, we understand that the ritual is much greater than simple fabrication of a story by the media.

The number 17.

Ships have been associated for a long time with the number "17."  A book entitled "Ship 17" gives the account of Herodotus, a Greek historian, who spoke of a baris ship that sunk in the Nile River. The book concerns the recent discovery and recovery of this same sunken vessel. 

Unsurprisingly, the term "Navy" is 17 in gematria.

Some may remember the story of the USS Cole attack that clearly occurred as a predictor of the then coming 9-11 attacks. The original USS Cole was launched on 1/11/19 (do you see the 911 in reverse?) and decommissioned on 1/7/1937.   It was only fitting, then that the next USS Cole would play a role in the 9-11 attacks as well. The attack on the USS Cole occurred on 10/12/2000, exactly 9 yrs, 1m 1 day before George W Bush's new world order speech, which was exactly 10 yrs to the day before 9/11/01.   But do you remember how many people died in the attacks? 

Of course, 17 sailors died in the incident.  Some would say this is mere synchronicity.  But after seeing how far this 17 ritual goes, I simply can't believe that.  For example, in the same region that the USS Cole was attacked, the USS Stark was attacked on the 17th of May, 1987. 

And 17 years after the Cole attack, 17 students died in the Parkland, Florida shooting incident.  And just in case you're still not convinced this event is related, I give you the recent event "Sydney Aiello" who supposedly survived the shooting only to commit suicide on 3/17/19.

Ships are often used in false flag rituals, in conjunction with the number 17, to help start wars. The USS Maine was sunk in Cuba as a false flag attack to prod the US into war against the Spanish. And when was the USS Maine commissioned? 9/17/1895. 

Another ship was sunk in order to prod the US into getting involved in World War 1. This ship, the Lusitania,  was sunk on 5/7/1915. It worked. 700 days later, the US entered the war on April 6, 1917.
One could conclude there is some sort of connection then between the number 17 and wars, as well. This is a valid conclusion. The word "kill" equals 17 in gematria. Remember also that in gematria, "1's" and "0"s are not that important and can be dropped. That's why the Lusitania went down on the 7th and 700 days later we entered the war, but we entered it on the 17th year.

The USS Chancellorsville was named after the historic, Civil War "Battle of Chancellorsville" which occurred at 77 degrees West. The ship is part of the "7th Fleet." 

The Russian ship that it nearly collided with was named the "Udaloy," **(correction, this was the class of the ship, not the name of the ship) which also sums to 17.

Let's examine now some of the other naval collisions that have taken place recently. First, let's examine the USS Lake Champlain that collided with a South Korean fishing vessel on 5/9/17.

 Yes, it happened in the year 2017, so how does it relate to the near collision of the USS Chancellorsville?  The event happened 2 years and 29 days from the recent near collision.

Now look at the word "USS Chancellorsville" in gematria:

Since the other two ship collisions we are about to discuss also occurred in the year 2017, one can see why it is so important to tie this near collision to that year. 

Next, we shall look at the USS Fitzgerald, which collided with a Philippine fishing vessel on 6/17/17 resulting in the death of 7 sailors.
Wikipedia reports that "at 1:17, Fitzgerald's Officer of the Deck misjudged the course of ACX Crystal" the name of the Philippine ship. 

Though not a collision event, I should also mention that on September 17, 2018 a sailor who enlisted on 4/2017 was reportedly killed on the USS George HW Bush inadvertently in an reported "accident."  I'm sure it was...

And finally, there was the USS John S. McCain which collided with a merchant vessel near Singapore on 8/21/2017 the exact day of the solar eclipse, which we will be talking about shortly. This collision occurred 21 months, 17 days before the near collision of the USS Chancellorsville.

I find it interesting that we find the numbers 19 and 93 also in this date duration. "Chaos" = 19 in gematria, but the modifier "propaganda" is both 177 and 93 in gematria.

Notice that "propaganda" starts with 17.  So, clearly we are dealing with 17, Navy propaganda. 

Ritual events can be clearly discerned by observing how the are paired with lunar and solar eclipses.  We use the TOTAL, not partial eclipses, the most recent ones, both before and after the event we wish to examine.  The previous, total lunar eclipse before the near collision event of the USS Chancellorsville and the Udaloy class ship that occurred on 1/21/19.  Notice the time between the eclipse and the event:

Four months, 17 days.  Starting to see the pattern yet?  Now lets examine the time between the previous total SOLAR eclipse and the near collision:

Yes, this was the very day of the USS John S. McCain collision, giving us 1 yr, 9 mths, and 17 days.

We saw earlier how the USS Cole bombing to the new world order speech was 1 yr 11 m 19 days (911 in reverse.) Now let's see how the NEXT lunar event to today's event compares:

1 year, 11 months, 19 days....again, 911 in reverse.  That sure is an overwhelming "coincidence," don't you think?  Unfortunately, not enough people do think, and that is why these ritual events keep occurring over and again.

The NEXT solar eclipse event is only loosely tied to the near collision event:

It will occur on July 2nd, 2019, which is written 2/7 in most of the world and compares to June 7 only in that this date leaves 207 days left in the year. (0's are not relevant.)

Ships do not only float on water. The word "ship" refers to all sorts of vessels, including space ships. Clearly, we can see that Hollywood is doing its part in recognizing the connection between sea ships and space ships:

But, to get from sea ship to space ship, we first had to have an air ship. And where did flight first begin? In Ohio,...the 17th state. The Wright Brothers designed the first air ship and flew it on December 17, 1903.  

See how the words "Ohio" and "Buckeye" are both 117?

Now let's go a little higher up. Notice the word "space:"

The Space Shuttle Challenger was a ship also involved in a ritual. It's easy to find videos clearly showing that these astronauts are alive and well today. The ship was destroyed in a yet another ship ritual:

And if you were to guess what percentage of Americans saw the explosion on tv, what would percentage would you guess?...

You guessed 17 percent?? You ARE paying attention!!  

Now Hollywood uses this code just as religiously as does the federal government, NASA, and the US Navy.  I'm sure you have heard of Star Trek, right? Well let's see what kind of 17's and 117's are in that!

And they are not alone!

But just naming the captains and "number one" William Riker with names that equal 117 are not enough. After all, this is about ships! Let's see the star ships!

This is the first, chronologically speaking, starship in the legendary Star Trek series. It is called the "NX- 01"

Now let's look at how the NX-01 codes:

And surely you remember captain Kirk's ship, don't you?

That's right..the NCC - 1701. 

So, how about that nifty new Star Trek, Discovery?

Now not only does this have a 1 and a 7, but it is even more cleverly coded. 227 is shorthand for Pi because 22/7 = 3.14.  The media loves to use Pi to remind people of something that has already happened, and sometimes to warn us of things that are going to happen. In this instance, it is the former.  This show is a tribute to the older Star Trek series' from the past. And 1,2,7 together has incredible significance that I have mentioned in a whole lot of other videos, so I'll leave it alone for today. 
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  1. o yea and how about that freaking boat in venice, that's like a mockery of the titanic man. they just nudge themselves at home, ohhh we're danger... meanwhile they can fucking send eearthquakes wherever they DAM pleaase keyword dam

  2. I found some 8/11 stuff while researching my own astrology:

    In retrospect, a very astute observation was put forward in an article by crop circle researcher, Mark Styles. He pointed out that the 1991 Barbury Castle triangular crop circle formation was very similar to the lower triad of the Kabalistic Tree of Life.

    He presented an equally astute theory in the article regarding the Mandelbrot Set crop circle formation which also appeared in 1991, on August 11. He showed that the Mandelbrot Set formation is similar to the Kabalistic Tree of Life, except for the top circle, which is Keter, the Crown, the One Source is "missing." He suggested that this may mean that "Keter is moving into Daat."

  3. i also found that 17 relates to the tarot 17 star i think but that agust 11 struck me to tell you

    1. i don't know anything about tarot but with these elitists all about astrology, I'm sure that tarot probably has some meaning to them also!


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