How to Construct a 113 False Reality Illusion

Disney sure likes that number 113!

Surely this means something!

It's everywhere!

It's all over license plates!

Oh, so they are going to tell us what it's all about.

How misleading!  A half truth is only a full lie. Sure, the number 113 is ON THE DOOR...but no one ever seems to ask "WHY is the number on the door in the first place?"

 HERE is where the number 113 ACTUALLY comes from. It's gematria (the practice of pairing letters and numbers) for all these following words:

And, as Zach Hubbard has pointed out (from Gematria Effect News on You Tube), the ORIGINAL source for 113 , and the reason these words were created to pair with the number 113, comes from the Talmud.  Baba Kamma 113 from the Talmud says that is is ok for Jews to deceive gentiles.

Check out 113 paired with 119:

Seems NASA has it's own 113 and 119 thing going on:

The A and the S are circled for a reason. The red 'swoosh' is to inform you to read the A and the S both forward and backwards!

Though I don't have a pic for it yet, Captain Marvel's plane had a 119 on the tail fin. A short time after the scene showing the tail fin, the plane crashed. I seem to remember a connection between plane crashes and the number you?

See how the word "space" = 44?

How many of the world's space agencies are using these numbers? Here is a rocket being constructed in India:
 See the 44? What a joke!

I wonder how much of Neil Armstrong's life was done by the same numbers that constructed his death? Look how he was so clearly murdered in conjunction with the lunar eclipses both before and after his death:

So, Neil Armstrong worked for NASA which uses 119, and 666 as it's symbol.  Is it any wonder that he said these immortal words that just 'happen' to equal the symbol of the infamous Skull and Bones?

So just how far does this fake reality go? How much have they constructed using code language?  Well, hold your cup of tea, Alice. This rabbit hole goes WAY deeper.

But to get it, first you have to learn a few things about circles and squares:

You can see the Masonic emblem is a compass, which is used to create circles, and a square, which is used to create right angles for squares. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.  Our entire false reality is constructed by these two simple figures and their relationship with each other.

For thousands of years, mankind has known how to "square the circle," as anyone who has seen a mound in Ohio and across much of the Midwest knows.  Squaring the circle means to create a circle with roughly the same area as a square:

                                                                                                             -pic from Mary Leeds

A circle of 9 units and a square of 8 units measurement will have roughly the same area.

But here's where the crazy starts!  The circle will create a point which, when connected perpendicularly to the square, allows the formation of a a triangle that has the same proportional dimensions as the Great Pyramid in Giza!  To complete the pyramid, all one has to do is connect the points from the outer circle to the edge of the square. 


So, here's the question:  Are the Earth and Moon ACTUALLY this size? OR, is all this just a bunch of very ancient geometry???? 

Now let's talk more about the circles, and we will save the squares for a little further down.

Notice how that, in mathematics, two circles laid on their side, together are considered the "infinity" symbol.  A circle goes on forever, so that stands to reason. The two circles are nothing but a number "8" lying its side.  Therefore, the number "8" represents the infinite heavens.  And for this reason, "Lord Jesus Christ" in Greek gematria, is FULL of number 8's.  After all, Jesus is the infinite Son of God:

We will get back to that 3168 number you see there, too. That is VERY important. But for now, just look how the first two Greek words (translated "Lord, Jesus")  are 800 and 888. Yes, Jesus is represented by the infinite 8's.

Therefore, many things in the heavens are represented by the number of infinity, the number 8.

Again, are these numbers REAL? Or, are they given to us simply by this very ancient system of numbers???? 

The Fibonacci sequence is especially linked to 108 as well.:

108 is super important in the pentagram (from which shape we get the Pentagon) used in D.C. for this very reason. 

Also for this reason, the moon is associated with magic. The radius of the moon is 1080 miles, as NASA tells us.  This is the reason wizard hats always have a moon on them:

Eights are considered to be magical by those YOU BELIEVE are grounded in firm science and logic. I made a video of how this number is used in my own community in Parkersburg, WV.


Ok, so let's talk about that 3168, that is the value of "Lord Jesus Christ" in the Greek language, (each letter's numerical value added together.)

                                   -pic by Joey Stewart

Would you believe that the width of the ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM as given to us by NASA, divided by Pi (3.14) equals this number, 3168????
If these numbers are indeed true numbers, then yeah...that's pretty astonishing! But the question is, are they real numbers???? If so, atheists are really going to be at a loss to explain that one! And, if they are fake numbers, atheists are really at a loss because all this time they have been studying and relying on this version of "science" which is all just a bunch of contrived non-sense put together based on ancient knowledge. And remember what they always say about listening to knowledge from ancient books!

But it doesn't stop there!  Remember our "squaring the circle" example above that gave us the dimensions of the Earth and the Moon?  Now let's put some measurements on those dimensions!

Do you see how the square that we created has a perimeter of 31680 miles???  (look just above this sentence)   This is the actual number in miles rounded only about 6 miles from that which is officially given to us by NASA.  Hmmmmm.....

A "magic square" is a divining table in which the numbers in every column and row must equal teh same thing.  There are magic squares for each planet, the sun, and the moon. Let's look at the Luna (moon) magic square, it is the square on the bottom of this photo:

And you should believe that those in charge of the powers that be think really highly of these things. Now let me show you one of Joey Stewart's amazing discoveries.  He first took any square in the luna square and reduced it....that is, he added them together until they became single digits. Here is the result: (this is his pic)

The highlighted squares reveal a repeating pattern of the number 495.  Here is the reason that is so important.

 Let's look now at the holy name this time in English:

Now "Lord" is 13, which just as Joey did in the luna square, reduces to 4 (3+1 = 4).  "Jesus" is 27 which reduces to 9 and "Christ" is 32, which reduces to 5. I drew these reduced numbers out in red so you can see them more easily. We are now left with 495.  And THIS , my friends, is the reason that interstate 495 goes around Washington D.C.!

So, we've talked about circles in just about every way imaginable. Now, let's talk about squares. We see that they relate esoterically to circles by the "squaring of the circle" which is represented by the infamous masonic logo. But would you believe that there is a whole other way that circles can become squares? Let's take a look:

Every corner in a square is 90 degrees.   A square has 24 of these corners. So, when you multiply 90 degrees by the number of corners, you get the number 2160.  Not surprisingly, this is the EXACT number that  NASA gives us for the diameter of the moon!!

So I must ask again, why did we spend all that money to put those satellites up there if it was all just a bunch of sacred knowledge known for thousands of years??? 

Clearly, the Muslims have been using this sacred knowledge for a LONG time. They have made a CLEAR connection between the moon and the cube:


Islam has even gone so far as to say that a stone fell from heaven (moon symbolism) and is now embedded in the Kaaba.   Notice that "Kaaba" and "Cube" are basically the same words.

And so



you understand


this picture means:

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