I Can "Prove" Anything With Gematria

I can "prove" anything I want using gematria...anything.  Unlike the rest of you that follow gematria, I created and stored a rather large data base of words and their gematria values.  I truly went "all in." I've got hundreds of pages of notes and just as many "decodes." I think I've got this thing down.  So, let's use that knowledge to find out what I've really learned!

To practice fallacious decoding, one has to start with an UNPROVEN assumption, and use GEMATRIA to "prove" it.

Let's start with the unproven, generic assumption that Freemasons are orchestrating evil around the world. We will use a news article as our source of information, and "decode" it using gematria. This means when I see certain events line up with Freemason gematria, I am "proving" that my assumption is correct.

I am literally going to go now to one of the first stories I see on the news, and use it to "prove" the Freemasons did it:

Here is an article from May 5th


Here is the headline.

The article says that these two girls were in the car wreck.  So, I open my Gematria.com calculator and I punched in their names exactly as spelled in the article. In fact, I used copy and paste so that I would not misspell them.

Now, I thought to myself, which of these 4 numbers would be best to prove my point. So, I looked into my file for the number 163.  I found no related words. So, I went to the next number, the number 73.  I currently have 18 words in my gematria file for the number 73. I noticed two of them fit immediately.  "Child sacrifice" matches 73.

So, I've already "proven" that the children were murdered.

Let's take it a step further. Wouldn't you know it, the word "mason" is also 73! That works perfectly. You see, I didn't even have to try very hard on this one. I literally just opened my data base of words and chose the words I wanted to use.  I have successfully "proven" that Masons killed Mayorga and Escalera!

But let's say I start with a whole other assumption.  Let's assume that the Jews are the guilty party. Now, the Freemasons do not even allow Jews into their membership, so they can't be BOTH Jews and Freemasons. That negates any chance that the gematria we use would be due to any notion that the Freemasons are also Jews.  So, let's now "prove" that the Jews killed them instead of the Freemasons.

Let's begin again with the names of the girls:

And let's also look at our comparison word. We see that the word "Jewish" equals 74

And so does the word "Messiah"

This time we will look at the number 107. Now the Messiah was dead for 3 days. Wouldn't you know it that the words "three days of darkness" equals 107, the same as "Mayorga and Escalera?"  What are the chances? Well, actually....the chances were REALLY good-if I want them to be!

You see, I didn't have to go searching for new words or connections. All these words and phrases were ALREADY in my data files. All I did was literally open them and pick the ones I wanted! These two "decodes" both indicating that either the Freemasons or the Jews performed these murders I literally created in just MOMENTS!  This didn't take research!  I didn't even have to know ANYTHING whatsoever about the two girls involved in the murders, or their families, or any thing at all about their lives.  I didn't have to have a backstory, or any other connections outside of gematria. And yet, had I presented this as a "decode," a WHOLE LOT OF YOU WOULD HAVE ACCEPTED EITHER ONE OF THEM AS PROOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think about that long and hard.

Do you need some more? The story says that EMS was dispatched to the scene on April 15. That's the 106th day of the year. You know what also equals 106?

Those mean ole, evil Jews were prophesying a message by murdering these girls! After all, April 15 is when Lincoln was murdered and when the Titanic sank, and when we get to now pay taxes!  And the Jews are all about money and run all the banks, so you can see the connection, right?

One of the girls' first name is "Paige" which equals 29:

And "Jewish" also equals 29:

Now look how the other girl's first name, Stephanie equals 47:

And that is the same as "Synogogue" which was, of course, already on my list!

And if I wanted to keep going with this, I could go on and on and on...in any direction I CHOOSE ACCORDING TO MY OWN DETERMINATION STEMMING FROM MY ASSUMPTIONS.

In fact, I'm now going to "prove" to you that one of the girls is entirely fictional! Stephanie Mayorga equals

Now check out these guys!  They ALL equal 84! And they are ALL fictional characters! That means that clearly Stephanie Mayorga ....does not even exist!  And remember the date? 4+15+20 = 39! "Iron Man" and "Vampire" BOTH equal 39! And guess how many books are in the Old Testament? That's right....39! Wow. Here's your "proof" that the Jews made up this fictional characters!

But let's forget that and instead just prove that the CATHOLICS did it!

Let's again look at their names and corresponding gematria values:

Do you see the 107?  Did you know Catholic President "John F Kennedy" also equals 107?

The wreck occurred on "April fifteenth" which equals 77.

Just like "Rosicrucian" the Catholic secret order

And would ya believe it? So does "Pope John Paul II" !!!

So, which is it? Did the Masons kill them? Did the Jews kill them? Or, did the Catholics kill them? Is Stephanie Mayorga even a real person?

You've been hoodwinked, gematrinators!  It's difficult for busy people to take the time to compile information as I have, so I understand how you haven't been able to put this together. And I fell for it, too.

But those who are using this information to profit from the sale of coffee cups and t-shirts, and Patreon donations...they're LYING to you and DECEIVING you! 

So, is gematria even a REAL thing?

YES!  But NOT how you have been taught by the L. Ron of gematria. 

Here' s the fact. Gematria reveals PATTERNS.  Patterns, however, do not tell you WHO did it or WHY they did it. That is the BIG ERROR.

Let me demonstrate this in another way.  Please observe the following picture:

The above quilt shows a pattern of 4 and 8 through cubes and other geometric shapes. I KNOW that I see patterns here. I KNOW that this was made INTENTIONALLY.  What I CAN'T know from this picture is WHO made it or WHY that person or people made it!  Most people would ASSUME some little old lady made it, because that is who usually makes quilts. Some might assume the Amish made it.  Someone might even assume some young gal at home economics class learned this in high school. Virtually no one would assume a guy made it.  But would I truly KNOW that a bald, 40 year old guy from the inner city didn't make it? No. I would not know that nor could I know that.

But what if I used my ASSUMPTIONS about who MIGHT have made the quilt, and then use ONLY the quilt itself to prove my assumptions?!  That is EXACTLY what is going on with gematria "decoding" on L. Ron's channel.

If I assume that Jews or Freemasons did something and that they SHOW they did it by using gematria, I can use the gematria to "prove" they did!  And it's really that simple, folks.

 Those who wish to use gematria to point out that Freemasons or Jews are causing whatever problem they care to point out that day, are in reality only creating a false flag rallying cry to secure members to their causes...and especially to their merch and donation sites!!!  And I have demonstrated that I can make gematria point out ANYONE or ANYTHING if I want it to!

Scientologists rally members by telling them they are taking down psychiatry while unloading parishioners of hundreds of thousands of dollars.  And it's all propaganda. No actual psychiatrists are ever being taken down. (See Leah Remini's show on A&E.) And in just the same way,you are being PROPAGANDIZED by an improper use of gematria which appears to "prove" to you that you are fighting an invisible enemy and are making a real difference.  But in fact, you are only fooling yourself and accomplishing nothing.

Patterns do show the presence of planning-which does NOT occur naturally (despite the ignorant insistence of evolutionists!) and reveals intelligence. So, yeah...gematria can sometimes help to reveal that human intelligence was involved in an event, news story, sports event, murder, etc.

And all the time the FBI and CIA create false stories in the media intentionally to root out criminals or to get information.  They spend millions of dollars to do this. 

And on top of that, ALL media is intentionally used in some way or other by the media corporations as propaganda. Your CIA/FBI and your media are intricately connected in this country.  That is a big part of the TRUTH of Hugh Squier's story.

The ONLY way to start a REAL decode is to begin with REAL information! Do you have a witness? Was someone actually there?  Is someone related to, or close to the events?

Take the Jimmy Hoffa story, for instance.  Hugh was detained by the FBI for the murder of Jimmy Hoffa. He was detained BEFORE any other person was detained....like those you read about in Brandt's "I Heard You Paint Houses" story.   Hugh's MOTHER IN LAW was a guest at the Sly Fox where Hoffa was just before Hoffa was kidnapped and Hugh was detained.

Now I have REAL information to work with.  NOW I have REAL reasons to look in to the false media cover-up stories about Hoffa and see with gematria that the stories are entirely fictional.  And we don't even have to limit ourselves to gematria.

Here are a couple lines from my chapter on Jimmy Hoffa showing how related stories are part of the Jimmy Hoffa cover-up:

 Jaleayah Davis died on Interstate Highway 77, at Mile Marker 181. Interestingly, Terry Davis, a computer programmer, died on 8-11-18 which is 8-11 both forwards and backwards. ...

     It’s certainly intentional planning and scheming that caused NFL’s Willie Davis, who wore number 77  to be drafted 181st in the 1956 NFL draft.  Clearly they keep repeating these patterns.  And they’ve been doing it a long time. 

Now I can also support this pattern with some gematria:

Now I have REAL information about who killed Hoffa and the use of gematria and patterns only BACKs and SUPPORTS the REAL information. It indicates that intelligence went into the schemes and cover-up.  

Now what happens when someone ASSUMES falsely that the Freemasons MUST be the bad guys and only uses gematria to prove his point? Well, you get a video like my first You Tube video on Jaleayah Davis!  

I originally saw the massive patterns that were evident in her murder and KNEW something was up. However, thanks to the poor and vacuous teachers of gematria like L.Ron, I literally made a couple videos showing the WRONG culprits who murdered her...believing them to be the Freemasons!  Now do you see how important it is to use gematria only to find patterns, not to point out on its own who or what did it? 


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