How to Make Your Own Personal False Flag, "Truther" Lie

Fact is, your "truthers" are part of the cover-up of truth. They CAN'T tell you any real truth.  If they did, they couldn't sell you t-shirts, vitamins, coffee cups, non-fluoride toothpaste, emergency rations, or TV/internet show subscriptions. Nor, could they take Patreon "donations." Want to recognize a huckster? Look for this:


The first, on the left, is selling you hoodies and mugs, the second from Alex Jones on the right, is selling you "krill oil." I laugh at anyone who can't see it's the same scam, different package. Once upon a time, hucksters sold "snake oil." Now, they repackage it as "krill oil" and the descendants of the same ignorant fools keep buying it.

Here's another way to recognize a huckster.

Look how Alex Jones loves to show himself in front of a world map backdrop:

Hucksters LOVE the world backdrop:

-professional huckster Joel Osteen 

-Here is David Miscavige, the dictator of Scientology (right) with actor Tom Cruise at the podium

They are making effective use of subtle, indoctrinating props. It makes them look bigger, like their agenda is more than it really is....that it reaches the whole world and affects everyone. Also, I think it makes em feel like they're 'on top of the world, so to speak.  It's not necessarily wrong to accent your intended message by adding agreeable backdrops and props. However, if your message is devoid of truth, the propaganda fills in the void and substitutes for real truth.  And as you can see from his audience size, that is enough for plenty of people.  The same goes for Alex Jones.

"Truthers" like to sell you their BS.  You won't get the "truth" for free.  But so much "truth" is nothing more than snake oil/krill oil or more fake cures like this one:

-oh, check out the author Matthew "Schwartz." That's no coincidence. It was the Schwartz law firm that helped Hugh fight some kidnappers in Michigan and is the reason Spaceball's Yoda says "may the Schwartz be with you." Oh, and Bakker used to be spelled "Baker."

Another example of selling you a false "cure" is when someone falsely blames the Freemasons or Bill Gates for causing Covid-19 or that by destroying 5G towers, you will save the world.

The best way to reveal a huckster is to identify his enemies. A communist blames America for his country's problems. We recognize that as propaganda here in the West.  Yet, somehow we regularly fail to recognize that the West uses propaganda by blaming Islamic terrorism for 9-11.  There are only so many ways devised among mankind to get people to follow you. It's no different in America than it is in the former Soviet Union.  A movement or action NEEDS an enemy.   There must always be a rallying cry if you want people to move.

Followers of "truthers" recognize the term "false-flag" as a big event that causes massive numbers of people to move and follow an organized plan. Most of them can see how the sinking of the Lusitania was a false-flag event leading to World War 1.  However, the same followers fail to recognize that the "truthers" themselves are creating the equivalent of false-flags by planting the images of fake enemies in the minds of their followers.

Here are a few of the miniature false-flag images that are currently being used to rally you behind their own cause (and, of course, merch sites!):
Bill Gates want to kill you
Freemasons run the world
FEMA'll be going there soon!
5-G is causing Corona
Corona is fake
the government is keeping you from knowing about the Flat Earth
Government is hiding aliens and UFO's

And here is the latest:  GEMATRIA.  That is not to say that gematria is not being used. It certainly is. However, if one uses gematria to suggest that Bill Gates wants to kill you, or that Freemasons orchestrated 9-11, or that 5-G is going to give you Covid-19, or that the virus is fake....that person is creating his own mini false-flag, fake enemy.

Looking at gematria and using it to support a wrong idea is no different than Alex Jones looking at a CC camp and renaming it a FEMA camp and telling you that you are about to be rounded up!

Here is an example of how to use gematria to reach a WRONG conclusion:

I took the first story I came to on CNN, (I just chose a random site-any news site would work just as well)  just now to show you this example. Here is the link:

Here is the headline:

Critics said the flu kills more than coronavirus. Why that's not a fair comparison -- and now, it's not even true

If I open I can quickly create the following link between two related words:

Notice that flu and vaccine both share a gematria value of 42.  So also do the following:


So to many, the fact that these words match "proves" that Freemasons and Jesuits are Saturnian Devil worshippers who created the CoronaVirus, only to convince you it's worse than the flu to force you to buy vaccinations.

But ask yourself, 'why did you chose THOSE words that equal 42? Is it because they support your hypothesis? Is it to set up a fake enemy that you have absolutely no proof whatsoever is actually creating Corona, or the media stories, or the vaccines?

Why not chose the following words that also equal 42?

Is it not EQUALLY possible using only gematria to show that the Hell's Angels created the CoronaVirus? Perhaps Alex Jones created it from Infowars. I could even add that Alex Jones was born on the 42nd day of the year. Does that mean he did it?  Heck, maybe even vampires created it!

So why did I chose instead "Freemason, Jesuit, capstone, and Saturn? I can tell you that setting up the Hell's Angels as your enemy probably isn't the healthiest idea. Those people are very real. I could say that Alex Jones did it, but that would be easily disprovable.  I could go the vampire route...but that's just least for now. Give it ten years.

But if I say "freemasons" did it, guess what?  They are a secret society. They aren't going to fight back! Hooray, I found my boogie man!  And everyone knows the Jesuits are up to no good...we have actual historical proof of that one. But do I ever tell you who the Jesuits are that are actually sworn in with the Pope? No...i just play it simple and vague. It's just "the Jesuits." And, if I'm feeling up to it, I just might blame Protestants, atheists, and Sikh's of following the Jesuit agenda if the shoe fits!  After all, it's not like anyone is EVER going to sue me because I called out a killer, rapist, or pedophile and said he was following a "Jesuit agenda."

For anyone who has ever watched Orwell's 1984, it's known that enemies are best kept far away and really vague. Oceania's enemies may change from Eurasia to Eastasia but no one cares, so long as I can't really see them and they are vague and far away.  I'll support my leader.

Now as I was learning from some of these false "truthers" in the past, it's easy to see that I once held some of the views that I have now outgrown.  I don't take down my old videos and I am open to telling people that I have grown. I don't seek to hide my past mistakes. I seek to learn from them, and hope that others will also.  However, it's not ethical for anyone to use my old videos against me and tell me that I am still saying the wrong thing.  No, I USED to say the wrong thing.  As I learn more, I constantly revise and update what I say.  Everyone SHOULD do this.  We are all human, and we all must learn at our own pace.

Here's another way to tell that someone is a huckster.  Look at what he WON'T say.  For example, look at the following picture:


I chose Brad Paisley because I KNOW he's a Freemason...he actually openly admits it! So I can get that out of the way right there. At any one of his concerts, thousands of people are getting drunk.  Hundreds of these people get in accidents that kill people.  Hundreds of others will go home and beat their wives and kids in a drunken rage.

But imagine what would happen to Brad's profits if he suddenly grew a conscience and said "I'm no longer going to profit from the blood of innocent victims" and told his crowd that he could no longer perform where alcohol is being served?

Now, that's the TRUTH and Brad believes he is part of the mysteries through the Freemasons.  But does he give a crap about dead people? NO.  You will NEVER hear him say this REAL truth!!! To hell with your misery. There is money to be made!

And so it is with all "truthers."  When the enemy is vague and far away, they hold the banner high and ask you to follow along-so long as contribute to the merch sites and Patreon donations. They might even let you stick around for a "like" or a sub on YouTube.  But what happens when the truth suddenly gets REAL?  What happens when REAL dead people show up and real murders are happening?  Where does the banner go?  Who is the brave leader then? To hell with real dead people. There is money to be made!

When Hugh Squier tells you that CBS' White House Corespondent Major Tom Garrett helped to hide the murder of real women by creating the story of Bradley Manning turned Chelsea Manning as Hugh's wives were killed on the Manning Ranch and Hillary's emails were sent to Hugh's computer business, ...suddenly it gets REAL.  Oh those are REAL dead people. Oh my, that is a REAL reporter. There are names connected to faces.  It's not fun anymore.

But contrast this to following the leader. Following the leader is euphoric. You feel like you are part of something, and that you belong. You almost get high knowing you are defeating an invisible enemy...and you always convince yourself you are doing a REALLY good job at it!  In reality, however it is Aldous Huxley's soma pill that is dulling your senses to REAL truth and REAL murders. Most of you literally CAN'T see the reality I just gave you. You are too numb.

You found the routine that works for you. You have measured its parameters and know exactly what is out of bounds and what is not.  You will not transgress the borders or break any of the rules right where you have chosen to abide.

Christians will not break their orthodoxy.
Atheists will not challenge the accepted view of what they believe is "science."
Scientologists dare not question L Ron Hubbard or David Miscavige.
Gematria followers dare not question the other Hubbard, who ironically is from Washington where Scientologists have a big following.
Jones followers will drink the Kool Aid all the way to their death...and Alex Jones followers believe they have the truth, not the mainstream media.
Hyles-Anderson College students are disloyal if they question Hyles or a ministry leader.
Catholics dare not question the Pope, especially if he is sitting on St. Peter's chair and speaking ex-cathedra.

Each of you have chose your invisible enemy.

Christians hate the Devil.
Atheists hate religion.
Scientologists hate psychologists.
Gematria followers and "truthers"  believe the Freemasons and successful people like Bill Gates are the enemy.
Hyles-Anderson College students think the counter culture is the problem...women can't wear pants and must be stopped.
Catholics believe the enemy is anyone who opposes the church.

Now I don't want you to follow me...or for that matter, to follow Hugh Squier. Neither does he want you to follow him.  He wants REAL justice for REAL dead people. I know, it's a buzz kill. To get on board with this would require REAL effort stemming from REAL concern. No more fakery. No more pretending to give a hoot and fighting the wind. It's all fun and games until you start naming names and want to fill out police reports and find the REAL b&(#%s who did this.

 Furthermore, learning how the world REALLY works will make a REAL difference, causing you to think and act as an individual and not as a member of your chosen group. 

It's true that I do sell a book. I'm not against selling things or against capitalism. I don't want anyone to buy it to "support" me.  I only want people who are interested in learning about its subject matter to buy the book.. I don't want your support and I don't want your loyalty. I'm perfectly happy if you buy my book then use it to disprove everything I write. In fact, I'll write another book telling the world how I now have learned from my mistakes and lift you up as the person who corrected me. I don't give a hoot about making money. I care about what's REAL...even if it ultimately costs me rather than makes me any money...and I am NOT against making money! So by all means, if you want to learn how the mound builders used ancient knowledge while building their mounds, by all means, buy my book! But read it as an individual.  Don't start a fan club. I don't want one and I don't want your Patreon donation. But if you have money to give away, I will happily show you real and needy people and connect you with them. Then you can make a REAL difference in someone's REAL life.

If you chose to like, share and subscribe to my YouTube channel, do it because you want to know real truth for yourself. I don't want to associate with zombies. Also, I don't mind honest questions, but I'm not going to hang out with butt holes and people who only stick around to laugh at reality. 


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