
Showing posts from May, 2020

Your NEIGHBORS Will Kill You!

I was just listening to my friend tell me that his city passed an ordinance saying that every car parked on the street must be moved "at least 3 feet every 24 hours."   The ordinance is absurd altogether, but I'm going to set the absurdity aspect of the ordinance aside for the moment. Right now the entire world is under quarantine.  Now logically, the city would not enforce such an ordinance when everyone has to stay home.  No one is going anywhere.  However, this person's neighbor does not like the fact that his car is parked on the road in front of his house.  So guess what he does? Yep, you guessed it!  Every single day this pathetic person literally calls the police on his own neighbor just to have them drive out and see whether or not his car has moved three feet.  Now my friend thought, "well, I'll just go to the next city council meeting and see if they can observe a bit of common sense while the quarantine is going on?"  But of course, the ci

You ARE in a CULT.

Let's take some common signs that might indicate that you are in a cult. In this case, I am using a story from the Atlantic, but what I am borrowing represents very common descriptions of cult-like characteristics. 1. Opposing critical thinking In the book Jesus and Mohammed, the author Mark Gabriel, who has a PhD in Islamic history and culture from Al-Azhar University in Cairo, began to do the unthinkable. He began to think for himself.  He was already a lecturer and mosque leader.   He tried to get real answers from other religious leaders around him, only to be given unsatisfactory answers. Here is an excerpt from his book: All these seem like pretty reasonable questions, do they not? And the answers were clearly not very good.  Contradictions were apparent but no one took them seriously.  After doing a great deal of research on his own, he came to his own conclusions and

I Can "Prove" Anything With Gematria

I can "prove" anything I want using gematria...anything.  Unlike the rest of you that follow gematria, I created and stored a rather large data base of words and their gematria values.  I truly went "all in." I've got hundreds of pages of notes and just as many "decodes." I think I've got this thing down.  So, let's use that knowledge to find out what I've really learned! To practice fallacious decoding, one has to start with an UNPROVEN assumption, and use GEMATRIA to "prove" it. Let's start with the unproven, generic assumption that Freemasons are orchestrating evil around the world. We will use a news article as our source of information, and "decode" it using gematria. This means when I see certain events line up with Freemason gematria, I am "proving" that my assumption is correct. I am literally going to go now to one of the first stories I see on the news, and use it to "prove" the Fr

How to Make Your Own Personal False Flag, "Truther" Lie

Fact is, your "truthers" are part of the cover-up of truth. They CAN'T tell you any real truth.  If they did, they couldn't sell you t-shirts, vitamins, coffee cups, non-fluoride toothpaste, emergency rations, or TV/internet show subscriptions. Nor, could they take Patreon "donations." Want to recognize a huckster? Look for this:   The first, on the left, is selling you hoodies and mugs, the second from Alex Jones on the right, is selling you "krill oil." I laugh at anyone who can't see it's the same scam, different package. Once upon a time, hucksters sold "snake oil." Now, they repackage it as "krill oil" and the descendants of the same ignorant fools keep buying it. Here's another way to recognize a huckster. Look how Alex Jones loves to show himself in front of a world map backdrop: Hucksters LOVE the world backdrop: -professional huckster Joel Osteen  -Here is David Miscavige, the dictator of Sc