"Truthers" Don't Give an F About Dead People

Know what pisses me off more than just about anything else?  It's comments like this (a comment from 2 videos back):

This is not a 'concerned person' who is seeking my best interest. No, this is a warning.  This is notification that I am to tow the line, not think for myself, become a drone, or everyone is going to leave! Am I supposed to tell ONLY truth that makes people happy, and to which they already agree?!? This person expects that everyone should be like himself, a "truther" not interested in truth, but in "loyalty."

For this reason, political parties exists.  Citizens suffer because issues that might help them prosper are subjugated for the benefit of parties.

Towing the line should never be the goal of honest, real truth seekers.  But sadly, TEN people were exactly loyal, mind numbed, zealots of an agenda masquerading as "truth seeking," and did indeed unsubscribe! 

Half of the term "truth seeker" is "seeker."  How can anyone seek if the only information he allows himself is that which he already agree with?   Does anyone search for something for which he already knows its location?

By definition, "truth seeking" implies that the seeker is searching, and truly wants to know reality.  He understands that he doesn't have a monopoly on truth.  So, let's see how this sort of "truth seeking" compares to other so-called, self-described "truth seekers".

Have you ever been confronted by one of these guys?:

Like many other people, I've had plenty of these "truth-seekers" come to my door.  I've even invited them in to my home to talk with me.  Do you know what I discovered?  I discovered that these wonderful people run out the door EVERY time they are confronted with any sort of information that they have not already accepted to be true.  They do NOT engage the conversation. They NEVER ask questions.  They assume they are the ONLY arbiters of all reality.  When questions or comments arise that are not already pre-approved by their superiors....they get up, and they leave...ALWAYS.

Now you already don't like those "truth seekers," but what about these ones...the Hubbard clan:

Have you ever talked to these guys? I have. I went to college in Clearwater and went out on weekends to confront them on their home turf and attempt to engage them in civil conversation.  I took tours of their buildings, saw their "E Meters" that they use to detect leftover "engrams" from their previous "4 trillion years of reincarnations" according to L.Ron Hubbard. Then I would attempt to talk to them.  Would anyone like to guess what would happen when I would attempt to ask them common sense questions about their complete nonsense religion?  Yeah, it went something like this:

This was the first time I was escorted from the premises by the Hubbard clan, but it was NOT the last!  About 1 year ago, I dared to ask another cult leader Hubbard to consider looking into the truth of Hugh Squier.  Hugh has had FOUR (a BIG number in gematria that should've gotten the attention of the "truth seeker") wives/fiances murdered at his home!  And the politics surrounding the murders would fill a hundred books.  On top of that, this same Hugh knows the ins and outs of the films and music that mark him over and over again...through gematria, among other ways!  And guess what sort of reaction I got?

I got the following comments from the gematria cult leader Hubbard:

"you are nothing and no one is going to miss you"

Hmmmm, sound like a cult leader's comments?  I think Leah Remini might recognize such comments!

These two times are not the only two times I've had to deal with cult leaders who are NOT the least bit interested in telling anyone any sort of truth!  I changed colleges from Clearwater Christian College to Hyles-Anderson College in Northwest Indiana.

While I attended there, I was frequently told that I was "not loyal" and "shouldn't question brother Hyles."  Nearly everyone there hated me because I just didn't tow the line and couldn't fit in as a mindless drone.  I had my own agenda for attending there, and everyone seemed to understand that I wasn't ever going to be one of them.

One of their graduates (I won't give you his name-only a pic from his page) was having a conversation about the King James Bible on his church website.  I was giving historically honest and factually correct information to one of his parishioners who was asking basic questions and obviously not getting answers.  How do you think that went over? Yep, if you pictured all my comments getting erased and him basically disowning any knowledge of my existence, you'd be correct!  How sad it is that someone believes he can own the thoughts of other people and feel that he should be the only gateway for truth.

How long do you think a civil discussion would last with the following person?  Explaining real truth to "truth seekers" is a lot like arguing with a woman.

Have you ever tried to have a rational discussion with your wife or girlfriend when she was angry and emotional? How did that turn out for you? Did logic and reason get you anywhere?  Did she stick around for a civil discussion, or did she just yell absurdities?  If all the evidence in the world clearly showed she was wrong, would it matter even in the slightest? No, she is going to run out of the room screaming and hollering...EVERY TIME.

If you are one of these people, what I am going to say next won't affect you in the slightest.  All the rational sanity in the world isn't going to sway you.  Appeals to your emotions will bounce off the invisible wall surrounding your heart, every bit as much as appeals to your reason will simply reflect like BB's off a stone wall.  Sadly, I've observed while telling Hugh's story that MOST Americans fit this hard hearted, dense minded description.  But just MAYBE, there just might be one in ten million of you who are different.

Hugh's former fiance, Karen Kissel died of a "mysterious illness" on Christmas day.

Hugh's fiance, Terri Heath was strangled on her dog's leash as she walked her dog.  Hugh found her, gave her CPR and life flighted her to a hospital.  30 days later, she was murdered in the hospital.  They murdered her on Hugh's birthday.

Hugh's wife, Victoria Melan was attacked, and Hugh also rescued her and got her to a hospital, where she also was murdered at the hospital (not the same hospital as Terri!), after having her ear cut off.  They called Hugh and laughed at him while they did it, using the phone that belonged to her hospital advocate.  They murdered her in the hospital on Halloween day.

His former wife Nancy Fredericks died away from him, many years after their divorce, also of mysterious circumstances, and marking an important event in Hugh's story.

I have spoken many, many times on my videos and posts about Hugh's wives/fiances that have been murdered and raped, though today I only mentioned the murders only in the most basic way.  Yet, the only response I ever receive by all these so called "truthers" is condemnation, distancing, or worse.

Some resort to throwing gas on the fire and actually blame Hugh for the murders!  They do this despite the fact that Hugh has made great attempts to get the police and FBI to take murder reports and to investigate, yet none of them ever do.  On top of police and government apathy, even the media will not so much as print an obituary for his former wives/fiances!  Yet, heartless and mindless fools still blame Hugh for his wives/fiances murders.  These same fools who dare call themselves "truthers" act as aids to the government cover-ups of the murders and as daggers in the hands of the murderers themselves!  Can you imagine what that must be like for Hugh?

For this reason, I have decided that Bowe n Arrow on Facebook will be a harbor for the truth of Hugh Squier.  I can no longer tolerate those who laugh at murder while calling themselves "truthers."  I can no longer allow flat-earthers and cult followers to mock reality and to blame Hugh's relatives for disasters (like the person whom they blame for causing Coronavirus only to sell them vaccines.) I have changed my group to "private setting" so that I can make it clear to all that I am now dedicating my group to telling Hugh's experiences ONLY to those who actually give a crap.  I will no longer be offering a platform to those who DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE MURDERS OF REAL PEOPLE AND REAL GOVERNMENT COVER-UPS!

You already have Alex Jones, every pro wrestler, Julian Assange, Hubbard, Roseanne Barr, Edward Snowden, and every other so called "truther" providing information.  NOT ONE OF THEM CARE ABOUT REAL MURDERS and real government cover-ups.  So screw every single one of them! 

So I have to wonder now, how many of you will PROVE what I said here? Will you angrily run away from my channel, screaming and yelling to yourself as you go?  Will you ignore everything I said about real dead people, and get straight to your point, like a Jehovah's Witness at your door who could care less about your personal issues, but wants to jump straight into a theological discussion...and if you don't answer correctly, will just angrily stomp away? 

If you leave a comment that doesn't begin with some sort of version of "wow, 4 dead wives? I've got to learn more about this! That's terrible, how can I help? Where can I learn more?" or some such, I will simply do what all of you do to me, and escort you out.  I don't care about your "truth" until you care about the TRUTH of REAL MURDER.


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