Stupidity Will Get Us ALL Killed

Have you seen this supposed quote?  It's NOT true!

Keep in mind that I do NOT vaccinate and I believe that forced vaccination is EVIL. I even had to leave the State of West Virginia over this issue! I also believe that the Dupont Washington Works facility polluted the water, as in the new movie Dark Waters with Mark Ruffalo, and this contributed to my child's autism. The chemical C8 has been discovered in my wife's body, as she grew up drinking the water in this area. 

    However, no official government source has said that a Covid-19 vaccination will be mandatory.  If that does happen, I'll be the first to protest, even though I will VOLUNTARILY take this particular vaccine because it is in the face of a clear and present danger.

    Vaccines ARE dangerous!  I even helped my high school daughter create an entire essay on the subject!  I know that vaccines testing procedures are not done correctly, for all types of people.  I know that aluminum and mercury are extremely harmful to neural tissue.  All this is true. 

    I even came up with a massive helpful near cure for my daughter by putting her in a hyperbaric chamber, which created new blood vessels in her brain.  She improved DRASTICALLY after this, going from throwing dishes out the window and in vents, running away unexpectedly, and not being potty trained at 8 yrs old, to a very gently, sweet and intelligent girl who is trained, learning at school, and one of the best behaved kids anyone could ever meet.

    Vaccines are OVER used, and therefore harmful.  No person should ever consider giving his baby child a vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease! Babies do NOT have sex!  An adult who feels they wish to make such a decision can do so when they are ready to do so.  We do not need to continue to take cures for diseases such as polio, which has been eradicated already, because of vaccines.  However, should polio make a resurgence and suddenly become a present and clear threat, then sure, I would recommend that we begin taking the vaccine again.

    Nor should anyone take the OBVIOUSLY FRAUDULENT yearly flu vaccination, which offers a supposed vaccine for a single strand of over 200,000 flu viruses.  Clearly, this is a money making  STUNT that offers little hope of protecting anyone!

   Nor should MOST people feel the need to get a chicken pox vaccine UNLESS he has problems with shingles or some other disorder as prescribed by his physician. 

   However, none of these facts should dismiss the REAL science behind vaccines.  Vaccines DO WORK and have been invented for a reason...they WORK!   Proto vaccines even offered a good bit of resistance as far back as the late 1700's and were used during the Revolutionary War.  The science is rather simple.  Weakened viruses are given to the patient in hopes of building antibodies that will then multiply and be powerful enough to fight the full strength virus if the patient should later encounter it.  And it DOES WORK. 

So I have to ask, what will happen if the following continues and succeeds in opening up the economy too soon?:

Here is what will happen.  Examine the following chart please:

Notice that CoronaVirus deaths increased 2,198 in the United States in just 24 hours.  Here is the link for this site so you can follow along if you wish:

You will notice that the death rate increased at an EXPONENTIAL rate early on, then began to average out at around 2000 deaths per day over the last week or so.  What you see here is the effect of mitigation beginning to slow the exponential curve.  If we continue on the current rate of deaths as it is,under the rules of mitigation, we will STILL likely see approx 65,766 deaths from this virus over the next 20 days including those who already died.  I know several people right now who have this virus and I'm really losing patients with people who say it's not real. Just as with Vietnam, which had over 20 years about 58,000 American deaths (during wartime) nearly everyone knew someone who died in Vietnam.  Soon, everyone will know someone who died of CoronaVirus.

    If the EXPONENTIAL rate is allowed to continue, the death rate will SOAR!
Please examine how many people will die if the EXPONENTIAL rate is allowed to take over if mitigation is lifted:

The top number is the number of deaths today.  The middle number is the growth rate of 15% which was going on before mitigation had time to take effect.  The bottom number is just an arbitrary number of days that I entered just for sake of showing you what could happen.  In this case, I entered 20 days.  The total number of deaths that would occur, without mitigation, over just 20 days is 421,700 deaths!

As for those who insist that the government is OVERESTIMATING the number of virus deaths by telling doctors to report any deaths of anyone with the virus as "caused by" the virus, then I offer to you that any such errors are vastly offset by the fact that the total number of any virus or disease cases are ALWAYS UNDERESTIMATED.

    I remember talking to my wife when Corona virus was still being reported only in China. She asked me "do you think it will reach America?" I told her, "not only will it reach America, it's all around you right now and a WHOLE LOT of people all ready have it, and you will begin hearing it reported SOON." Now the virus didn't just get here the day they began reporting it. It is a man-made biological weapon, created by your CIA. 

      I already uploaded Hugh Squier's video on my YouTube channel where he exposed Charles Lieber in Harvard for creating the Corona Virus BEFORE it had been reported infecting anyone in America.  Snopes' response and supposed rebuttal of this announcement is actually a response directly to HUGH SQUIER, who first exposed it.  And at the time he made it, he told you the CIA is behind it, so you're not going to get the full story straight from ANY media source, which is also ran and manipulated by the CIA.  Snopes simply went back and quoted the same media sources Hugh used when he told you the CIA was behind it.  One must have enough intellectual prowess to realize the CIA doesn't TELL YOU WHAT THEY ARE DOING!

     Immediately after Hugh exposed the CIA, the media began reporting to you that the West Coast was being hit first, as that is where Hugh lives.  He has already been likely infected by the virus, and has all the symptoms.  He has been having a difficult time with it for over a month now.  The following stories are INTENDED BY THE MEDIA to mark Hugh. Remember that Hugh was born in 53 and lives in Oregon:

Bishop Glenn died today of CoronaVirus as he preached to his congregation to assemble despite CoronaVirus.

 Both articles came out within 24 hours of each other, which is NOT a coincidence.  The media REGULARLY marks Hugh like this, and has been doing so for decades.

YES, the virus is REAL.  Yes, it IS a BIO WEAPON.  And ALSO YES, a vaccine can and likely will be made for it that will probably work.  Vaccine science is REAL, and vaccines are also over prescribed and should never be forced.  If anyone is going to protest, it should not be over the cure which will be produced by legitimate doctors.  The protest should be against the CIA and should aim to rid our country permanently of its services.

    Remember, America the CIA runs your DRUG TRADE.  You can be certain that if anyone will make a secret profit from vaccines, it will be THEM.  The CIA sold weapons to Mexico for drugs to sell in America.  They called it "Fast and Furious."  The CIA also sold weapons to Noriega in exchange for drugs, which they then set up on Hugh's property to sell.  Hugh stopped the drug trade on his property in Michigan.    This CoronaVirus, especially in the way the media is marking Hugh with it, shows the marks of having been made and distributed by the CIA. And, it has the history of  illegal drug selling. It makes so much sense. Remember when the military apologized to the nation of Guatemala for infecting their population with various strands of bacteria for testing? And guess who runs your CIA? The Special Forces. Yeah, your military runs the CIA.  CoronaVirus has all the markings of another CIA operation.

     In the meantime, Trump KNOWS it's an election year and knows that his base supporters would not tolerate a top down clamp down of the economy from Washington. That is the real reason he has chosen to abide by the Constitution and allow the governors of each state to enact their own rules for dealing with the virus.  So, Trump is being Constitutional, yes, but he likely in my opinion only cares because it is an election year. 

     So, the Constitution DOES allow your governor the right to impose restrictions as they are doing. I'm REALLY annoyed by the protesters who are saying to governors they have Constitutional rights to assemble and so on when it is the same Constitution itself that gives the governors the powers they have in situations like these, even though the situation was created by the CIA. 

      By failing once again to see what is going on, "truthers" are not going to blame the right entities for the virus and will, in fact, aid the CIA in killing as many people as possible by getting them to assemble against the governors' orders. Yes, once again, your "truthers" are going get people killed.  Notice how many "truthers" are themselves former drug dealers, inmates, drunks, or professional wrestlers. Nearly all of them STOP TRUSTING THEIR JUDGEMENT and find real truth.

    Please, take this virus seriously.  Stay indoors.  When it is safe to do so, begin protesting your government to END THE CIA.


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