Jackie Robinson and that number....42

Kobe Bryant is #24

Gettysburg Address is 214 (remove the 1)
Now we have black super hero Miles Morales

Founding of the Confederacy was 2/4

But is 24/42 more than just marking black people? YES! SO MUCH MORE. Let's start by looking at how VALENTINES 

Day mixes with the kill number 44: This is only ONE DAY before Valentine's Day. This is the reason it's so important to remember the Rule of Colel, which allows a number to be "one off" and mean the same thing.  Here we see the 322, but more importantly that the date 2/13 is the 44 th day of the year.....and "kill" = 44. Thus we see that 2/4 is marking 44.  In an instance where you see the numbers 214, the Rule of Colel would allow the elimination of the 1 by turning it into a zero.  Consequently, 214 becomes 204, or simply reduces to 24. For example, look at the date of the Stoneman Douglas school shooting: 
The number 214 reduces to 24. And the date 2/14 is, by the Rule of Colel, the same as 2/13, which is the 44th day of the year and is marked by the 322, or the skull....meaning death. (This is the reason for adaptation of the 322 by the Skull and Bones Fraternity.) Skull and Bones began as a fraternity of physicians! Skull and Bones didn't start at Yale, it started in Oregon! They were healers, not killers!  But, it has also been used by those orchestrating attacks. Consequently, the good Skull and Bones fraternity's name was hijacked by those wishing to blame attacks on the founders of our country, by our own politicians,  on good Americans. Remember, 911 was the number you use to call an AMBULANCE, and 9/11 hijacked this number intentionally!!! That's why George Bush was set up as a Skull and Bones member!!!!!! 
 Remember also that Jesus was buried at Golgotha, which means "place of a skull" according to the Gospel of John, chapter 19, vs 17 (also think of WW1 and the year 1917, which is NOT a coincidence! This will tell you who starts wars!) The Movie 1917 is playing now as I write this blog.

Now the date of the Parkland Shooting in Florida is 2/14/18  Again, by the Rule of Colel, we understand that 45 

is only 1 away from 44, the "kill" number.     Now compare how that the Parkland school shooting to the anniversary of JFK shooting is 2 months, 23 days....223. or 322 in reverse. There are also 320 days left in the year, very, very close to 322...as close as the puzzle would allow all the pieces to fit together. 

This is Kennedy Assassination date to Parkland, Fl Shooting

Look how Kennedy fits into this puzzle? Now see how the recent murder of Saoirse Kennedy fits:
 Was Saoirse Kennedy black? Were the Parkland school kids all black? NO!  24 does NOT simply mark "black people" as others would misdirect you to believe!  Look now also at the Sandy Hook date:
 Again, when the Rule of Colel is used to eliminate the ones from the date 12/14, we are again left with 24! The Sandy Hook kids were not all black, either!!  If one uses the number 24 or 42 simplistically, and assumes that it is used for the sole purpose of marking black people, what does one do with 24 in the following examples?: 

 (MK Ultra is Alex Jones misdirection, just like his false narrative of the Georgia Guidestones!)


  Are the Hell's Angels all black?

Oversimplifying gematria without considering the whole gamut of possibilities, and ignoring purpose and intent,  is tantamount to misdirection.  Purpose defines meaning when gematria is used.  Having been misdirected myself by those who do this, I am correcting the errors.  For these reasons, among others,  I no longer support the works of misdirection from others who use gematria to FOOL and MISDIRECT you, ignoring entirely the purpose and intent of its users.  Let's examine the real purpose of 42/24.

We have already discussed that the Confederate states were founded on 2/4.  However, George Washington was born on 2/22 (however, a historic calendar change had changed the original date of his birth from 2/11.   2+2=4. Therefore, February is 2, and the 22nd is 4. Again, we have 24. When was Kennedy assassinated? On the reverse of 2/11, on 11/22.  1+1=2 and 2+2=4. (I am astonished by the numbers of people who tell me this math is too complicated!!!!)  So again, Kennedy is marked by the 2 and the 4.  

The baby pictures of Hugh Squier were marked by "Dr. Towers" with an ii (2) and iv (4.)  Hugh was already marked at birth by the 24 and the Twin Towers.  For those who remember Milky the Clown, back in the 1960's when milk was still being delivered straight to your door, Milky worked for the Twin Pines Dairy.  The Twin Pines Dairy was marked in the show "Back to the Future." Notice the upside down 911 under "Twin Pines Mall."

Hugh's family owned the van patents and the milk truck patents through the Fuller family (which made Fuller Transmissions.)  Milky's real name was Clare Cummins, of the same family as Cummins engines, used in Mack trucks.  Hugh dated Sylvia Cummins of the same family, in 1984.   Marty McFly, in Back to the Future, traveled back to the year 1985....which, by Rule of Colel, is the same as 1984.  

Arguably, the most famous movie of all time indicating the plans of elitists, is George Orwell's 1984.

At the beginning of this blog we referenced Kobe Bryant, who wore number 24 and died in a helicopter crash.  While talking on the phone to Hugh Squire, Mr. Tim McCormack committed suicide by crashing his HELICOPTER into a building in NYC, visually marking the 9-11 attacks, and marking other notables:

Notice his wreck left 204 days left in the year.  Minus the zero, that is 24 yet again! (and McCormack was NOT black!) 

Now look at the gematria of Tim McCormack's name. Oh, do you see it?  That's right, it George Washington's birthday and the date of the Kennedy Assassination!  Hmmm, do you think he might have been trying to make a point here? People like Tim McCormack are literally KILLING THEMSELVES to give you the truth of 9-11!!!! Tim McCormack was tying the Kennedy assassination to 9-11!!!!  and he was doing it by calling HUGH SQUIER!

Hugh's life connects the JFK ASSASSINATION, the murder of JIMMY HOFFA (who died when Hugh was 24 years old, btw, and 9-11.  

As a 4 year old boy, Hugh was kidnapped and raped by the families of 5 governors and musicians in the basement of the family of former governor of Michigan, Osborn.  The number 4 was always intended to mark Hugh for life (but obviously it's not the ONLY person that was ever marked by it.) rather the 4 and the 2 have been marking those whom the pedophile gangs and the pedo elitists have wished to mark, rape,  and kill for a common purpose.  This agenda was thought up and is being implemented by the "electoral college," and by that, I mean the people like college professors who meet and decide who is going to run for office and who will be nominated to high political positions.  By carefully marking, raping, killing, and replacing the descendants and the heritage of those who rebelled against the king of England in 1776, the Queen and her pedo empire has again begun to flourish.  

Let me make this more clear.   The Civil War was about the Revolutionary War.   The endless murders of the Davis family (such as Jaleayah Davis) mark the Civil War's Jefferson Davis. But the Civil War happened as a pedo Catholic Pope agreed to help the South and to murder Lincoln.  Hugh's family was with Lincoln that day in Ford Theatre.  Hugh's family also ran the Henry Ford mansion, not coincidentally.  

When the gay, murderous, pedo Catholic pope puts a Kennedy in the White House, the last thing he wants is for the President to turn against him and expose the CIA, and the child murders going on all over the country.   Kennedy had to go.  The last public thing Kennedy said before he was murdered was to the PUBLISHERS, of which a young Hugh Squier was one,  indicating that there is no place for secret societies.  He was not referring to the Masons, but to the newly formed CIA which was stopping his plans for invading Cuba, and instituting a social list through its member, Castro to spy on innocent Americans.  Kennedy was murdered and replaced by the compliant Mr. Johnson. 

The CIA/FBI blamed Oswald for the murder.  Hugh confessed to a Father O'Donnell at Saint Anne's Catholic Church in Michigan.  The very same father O'Donnell was cited in the Warren Report blaming Oswald for the assassination of JFK.  It's no coincidence that Hugh is from WARREN, Michigan!  

Nor is it a coincidence that every news station HEAVILY uses the O'Donnell family to report the news to you and keep American's in a deluded state.  Lawrence Francis O'Donnell of NBC even dons Hugh's middle name, Francis, just as does the Pope Francis...which is by no means a coincidence.  It was Detroit's premier Catholic church, St. Mary Magdalene's, btw, that recently was convicted and forced to pay the biggest payout in  history for its massive pedophile involvement.  But the CIA has this under control.  Norah O'Donnell of CBS,  Kelley O'Donnell of NBC, Dan O'Donnell of radio's WISN, and Rosie O'Donnell of the View (which was started by Barbara Walters who covered the JFK assassination with Walter Cronkite) is on the case! I'm sure Americans are certain to hear the truth now!

As Johnson laughed and swore the oath of office, he ordered the CIA to murder the Duncan kids in the same area in Michigan, in order to deflect attention from the murder of JFK.  Hugh knew the Duncan family.  It's not hard to figure out that Johnson was warning anyone in the Warren, Michigan /Warren Report area to not get involved and to allow the gov't cover up.  The pedophiles who murdered many kids in Oakland County Michigan and dumped their bodies on Hugh's property, had now taken control of the government, and many more kids would die in the wake, including those on 9-11. 

9-11 represented 2 towers, marked for death or "4."  Remember, "Kill" equals 44.  Hugh's baby pictures were signed by "Dr. Towers" and bore a ii and an iv (Roman numerals for 2 and 4) on the back of them.  The plan was already in place before construction even began on the World Trade Towers!  It represents the ongoing plan to mark the children of presidents (Hugh is related to Andrew Jackson and to Thomas Jefferson) and destroy America's true heritage.  Compliant sodomites, and victims of pedophiles now run your political theatre as Peter Butt Gig from South Bend run to be your President now. The con is fully implemented.   

This sort of planning is vast. It's not the Freemasons and the Illuminati doing it. They started your country and threw out the crown.  It is, in fact, the crown, the pedo pope, the gay political party, the college professors, who are now replacing those who replaced them back in 1776,  Oh, did you notice that 7x6 = 42? 


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