Hugh 44

Hugh's life is connected with the number 44 like no one else. He didn't know gematria per se, and yet already had an understanding that this number was deeply associated with his life.  For example, Hugh was taken as a 4 year old boy and he also had 4 wives/fiances murdered....44. Here is a post he made today, 8/1/19 :

Isn't it amazing that Hugh's name equals 44?

And that Hugh is from Detroit?

Which is in Michigan...

Wouldn't you know,  almost as if destiny decided it so to be, he has cancer?

Hugh was a publisher for many celebrities. His contracts were worth many billions of dollars. The publishing company was called "Bottomline" which came from a trademark that he, himself invented.

A trademark can not be used if it is in the dictionary. However, before 1980, that word was NOT in the dictionary! It was added to conceal the fact that his trademark had been stolen!

Before 9-11, Hugh had been testifying before the US Senate about his stolen trademark.  An international publishing company must go through the World Trade Center to do business. His case files were at the Pentagon on 9-11 in the same place where a 'supposed' plane (although many of us believe this to have been rather a missile) impacted.  His world wide business receipts were in the Twin Towers on 9-11 as his case was being heard in the US Senate, ensuring that a verdict could never be reached for him to regain his stolen trademark, "Bottomline."

After 9-11, federal lawmakers got the hint that Hugh was now periah. It suddenly became VERY difficult for him to get replies from any of them.

As a 4 year old boy, he had been kidnapped and raped by members of his church.

 Later, he made a confession to a priest named Father O Donnell. Now Father O Donnell was the very same priest that accused Lee Harvey Oswald of assassinating John F Kennedy!

Having been kidnapped by the same pedo gang that killed Kennedy and framed Lee Harvey Oswald makes Hugh a BIG target in itself.  Knowing the truth that 9-11 took away billions of dollars from his business, ensuring that it could never be proven in court, also doesn't make a lot of powerful people very happy. 
  They have been after him ever since he started revealing the truth of what has happened to him. He has been poisoned twice, shot at multiple times, and hit on the head with a sledgehammer. 

Here is a photo of Hugh's medical bill after having been poisoned in a cup of coffee:

Sadly, being the target of both international pedophiles and government criminal gangs has led to the deaths of Hugh's present and former wives and fiances by these same entities.

One of these wives was Nancy Fredericks. She was the first heart transplant case in the state of NY.  She was killed in Michigan on the Detroit River on Gross Isle.

Another wife's name was Victoria Melan. She was murdered on Halloween day in 2011.  She had a debilitating disease that left her unable to talk. While at the hospital, Victoria was horribly sodomized and tortured by a CBS White House media correspondent during the Obama administration, and his cohorts, whose last names were "Slater, Perry, and Cook." Together, these evil SOB's actually called Hugh while they were torturing her. Pay special attention to the value of "White House correspondent" in gematria.  The government ALWAYS uses this gematria code in all of its activities, even state sanctioned murder.

Hugh was engaged to Terri Ann Heath Olsen when she was murdered back in 2003 on Hugh's birthday, July 4. This was a woman of renown. She had worked in the Reagan administration in the 80's and had created the head start program. But on this day in 2003, she went for a walk with her dog and didn't come back. Hugh found her hung on her dog's leash. He managed to resuscitate her, but the thugs killed her 30 days later in the hospital. The time between Victoria Melan's murder and the first attempt to murder Terri Olsen was 119 days between the two events (not including years.)  Remember, it was on 9-11 that Hugh's receipts and case were destroyed in the Pentagon and World Trade Centers. 

Another of his wives that was killed was named Nancy Lavoy.

Throughout Hugh's life as an international publisher, he has come to know a great deal of celebrities. In fact, Hugh knew Walt Disney in his early years and published songs for him. Hugh was born in the year 1953. Because of this, Disney told Hugh that he would mark him in his movie "Herbie the Lovebug."

It is rather common for singers to mark their publishers in such a manner. 
Here is George Carlin's way of marking Hugh on the Johnny Carson show:

Hugh has been marked this way in a great number of songs and movies. 
He personally knows most of the cast in the movie "Stranger Than Fiction." Even though Hugh is no longer a publisher, as all this was stolen from him, producers still make movies about his life and give him a nod. In this movie, the character "Crick" is doomed to act out the narrations of an author who is writing the story of his life.  The movie is about how Crick attempts to avoid being murdered by the author/narrator of his book. One can easily see how this relates to Hugh's life. In the movie Crick is seen several times standing around the number 44...Hugh's number, and the gematria for the word "kill."

Even famous manufacturers have marked him in their products.  Hugh once ran the Ford family mansion.  Because of this, the Ford family named one of their cars after him, the Ford Country Squire.
Notice the "Crown Victoria" was introduced later in honor of his wife Victoria Melan. 

Because of Hugh's well known fame and among very many famous and powerful people, the pedophile ring-running government of the United States follows Hugh around the country and conducts murders to mark him and misconstrue his story through the murders and their willing accomplices in the CIA directed, pedophilia-loving media. 

One of the MANY murders includes the murder of Steve Irwin. Irwin was from Victoria (notice the name) Australia and was called the "Crocodile Hunter." He was killed at 44 years of age (again with the 44) and the compliant media lied about the story by saying he was killed by a sting ray barb to the chest. "Stingray" in gematria equals 113, the well known number of deception.
Compare this to the movie "Crocodile Dundee" that took place in Australia.  Hugh had done business with the Ford family in Dundee, Michigan and Hulk Hogan had been a bouncer in the Cavi bar where Hugh played music, though it is reported that Hulk Hogan will deny this if asked.

Celebrity reporters who have attempted to tell Hugh's story through their individual media include John B. Wells from Coast to Coast fame.  However, after interviewing Hugh, John B Wells was immediately fired from Coast to Coast!

The famous conspiracy author Jim Marrs began to write the story of Hugh in book form. He was murdered at the same time Hugh was recovering from being poisoned in his coffee.

When Hugh was 4 years old, he was first taken captive and chained to a toilet in a basement belonging to the family of a long before time previous Michigan governor named Mack Osborn. Because Hugh's story implicates many government entities involved in pedophilia networks, the CIA has done much to disguise the name Osborn. For this reason, you have Dr. Oz, the enemy of Spiderman-Harry Ozborn, and so many other Oz related characters, including singer Ozzy Osbourne. All of this is done intentionally by your government to obfuscate and hide their own crimes.

Other names of those who took Hugh captive include: Daryl Hall, Anderson, Nickleson, Long (related to the famous governor, Huey Long of Louisiana) Wallace (related to the famous 1968 presidential candidate,) Lawson, and Schultz.   Anderson's name was obfuscated in media through the movie "The Matrix."  Mr. Anderson was intentionally made into the good guy. This is CIA misdirection to affect the minds of the American public.

These are the same families in Michigan who murdered Jimmy Hoffa. Hugh had just joined the Teamsters the very day of Hoffa's murder.  Hoffa is buried on 26 mile road in New Haven Michigan on the land once owned by Hugh and one of his wives. The land is no longer a homestead, but has been sold and converted into a junkyard.

These are also the same families, along with priest Father O Donnell, who murdered Kennedy under the direction of the CIA (where George HW Bush worked.) O Donnell testified against Lee Harvey Oswald! Hugh had given confessions to O Donnell in Michigan!

 George HW Bush declares that he didn't know where he was on the day of Kennedy's murder despite a picture clearly showing him there at the time.  George HW Bush, when giving the eulogy for Pres. Gerald Ford, snickered quite vociferously when mentioning  that "a deluded gunman" killed Kennedy. I'm sure he thought that was quite humorous.

Hugh had once held the very gun that actually killed Kennedy, while holding off the police at his Michigan home during a custody dispute.  The many police would not invade the home or shoot Hugh because the gun that he held was known to the police as that very famous gun. These police were still being led by L. Brooks Patterson who was still sheriff and had previously helped to hide the pedophilia and massive pedophilia related kidnappings that happened all over Oakland County Michigan, including the kidnapping and raping of 4 year old Hugh. L. Brooks Patterson STILL works in Michigan government to this VERY DAY


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