Why I Hate Masonry

     I hate Masonry...it all its forms. Masonry SHOULD be a good thing. It's symbolism represents some amazing truths. Knowledge could be used for good. Solomon (whose name means "sun and moon" like you see above the pillars of mercy and severity in Masonic imagery, said in the Bible: "A wise man increaseth in knowledge."  But herein lies the biggest mystery of all. If knowledge is GOOD,....WHY KEEP IT A SECRET???   There are still places in the world where secrets must be kept when they don't follow the establishment view....you know like, China, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, public universities in so-called "science" classrooms, etc. But for the most part, here in North America, it doesn't require a mystery school run by a priestly class to pass on the knowledge.
     One must deduce that the knowledge is being used for other reasons than to propagate good. I would love to think that these guardians of sacred knowledge are just so smart, so above the rest of us, that only they can truly understand and utilize these great tools to help mankind.  After all, a sharp sword is very dangerous to a toddler and mere mortals and intellectual inferiors should not take it upon themselves to use a craft that is above them, lest the knowledge serve only to do them more harm than good.

So, that's just what we see them doing with it, right? Of course! Now let's look at the symbol of the great, holy cross of our Lord and Saviour, as it is being used by the Masonic organization below.

It's a little hard to see. It's right here ^^^^^^^ over the elk's head. What a beautiful use of the holy cross!  Undoubtedly, Jesus would be pleased to have the symbolism associated with His knowledge associated with Keno and alcohol.

The "men" in the Masonic, Ben Bey Grotto here in Parkersburg, WV call themselves "stags."  A stag is a male deer in the prime of its sexual maturity, and is sometimes used to describe animals that have had their testicles removed.   What a bunch of freak-tard losers!

  This is an article of a local person whose name was on the rolls at the Ben Bey Grotto, (name redacted) who actually helps lead the local Boy Scouts. These freaktards like the Boy Scouts....Or Just the BOYS?

And, did you notice how, in the Ben Bey pic, these cretins call their leaders "monarchs?"  Really, like the MK Ultra monarch program?  Well, at least now you know from where they got the term.  But really, what sort of full grown man says "yeah, I want to be led by someone who calls himself a 'monarch?' "   What sort of emotional  trauma did they have to go through as children to have so little self esteem that they would want or feel the need for this sort of relationship in their lives?

      These are emotionally stunted men.  People who need not only to belong to something, but who feel the need to be dominated over by other men. It's no wonder that certain branches of Masonry are so full of sick and perverse sex rites, homosexual initiations, and ritual sacrifice of children, the only people weaker than are they, and whose innocence repudiates their own weakened conscience and thus terrorizing them in their guilt.

The above picture is of an actual pennant from the Masonic "Jesters" organization. These ultra sick pervs are part of, guess what?...the SHRINERS.

Perv freak-tards....this is what freak-tards do with Masonry. Here is another Masonic figurine posing next to a Masonic Bible:

And you wonder why we get a little suspicious when we see these guys doing this with kids:
1000+ images about Shriners Hospitals / kids / Clowns ...

The little golden figurine next to the Masonic Bible two pics up...that is known as a "Billiken."  Perhaps you have heard of strikingly similar word from the movie title "Kill Bill."  Yeah, that was not a coincidence.
Look at the gematria of the word "Billiken:"

Now look how similar "Billiken" is to the word "killing:

Obviously, that is no coincidence. The "Billiken" is a symbol of murder and death accompanying their sick notion of "mirth."

Everyone knows...ok, everyone SHOULD know yet obviously ....beyond any comprehension very few people actually know, that if you want to do a whole lot of bad things, the best way is to pretend like you are doing something good, or actually do just a little bit of actual good.  The Catholic church does a little good....says it is against abortion, for example.  So, Shriners give 1% of their money to helping kids, then take 99% of it and use it for filth and human degradation.

The men who help these kids are getting a whole lot of what they really want for the indignation of bearing the burden of looking socially responsible. They get to take all that massive amount of money and do what really motivates them, like: have initiation rituals where they poke each other's butts with pins, or put on blindfolds and stick hot dogs in new initiates' faces, telling the initiate to suck on each hot dog,..or having them walk over hot coals, that actually just shock you.

Here is a testimonial from a former Shriner who endured these humiliations:

But that's just to get started. The real fun comes in when they begin renting out hotels and ball rooms and declare their motto "Mirth is King!" and practice homosexual orgies and hire  out loads of prostitutes, who often find themselves underpaid and over drugged and out of luck after their services are no longer needed, according to many of their online testimonials.

【R.O.J MIRTH IS KING】ビリケン・真鍮製・小さなヴィンテージ・サインプレート | First Trip

 But guess what percentage of those expenses do YOU the PUBLIC ever see spent? Oh yeah, you see just the hospitals...the 1%.  In fact, you would think the Shriners were invented to help humanity and children rather than to indulge themselves in its destruction.

  They've really got a lot of people fooled, don't they?  But we don't want to know the truth. Some of us have friends and family that are in these putrid organizations so we tell ourselves "these are good people, this must be a good organization."  We are dumbed down to the point that we never even ask ourselves "Well, what then is a 'secret' and why are they keeping them?"  Why do good people need to keep secrets?  What good acts need to be hidden? They seem to declare openly and oh-so loudly their support for childrens' hospitals! If all they are doing is more good with the other 99% of their funds, why are we not hearing about it?

   We are ever so naive.  Millions of people still somehow, against all common sense, send their own children to Catholic churches, despite the millions and millions of stories of abuse that have continually plagued the good people who grow up in but are either too dumb or stigmatized to get out of it. 1600 years of abuse is not enough to convince you? Likewise, many support loved ones without ever asking ourselves "what are they really doing over there in that Shrine temple overlooking the children swimming at the local pool or soccer field?"

So what of the main branches of Masonry? Fare they any better?  Perhaps now you are learning to ask "what GOOD secrets need to be kept?"  Surely it's no secret that you blindfold yourselves while acting out the legend of Hiram Abiff....everyone knows you do that. Is there some stigma in learning your tracing boards?  Does that really need to be kept from the public? I don't think that's the real mystery, is it? Would anyone really CARE that you haven't memorized all the steps to becoming a Master Mason a full 3, or even 20 years into your membership? We all know the average person could care completely less.

Why then, is there a compulsion to hold back this information from the general public?  And NOW, finally, we can get into where Masonry intentionally deviates from the righteous path and takes what could be used for good, and turns it into evil.  Jesus said that our light is "a city on a hill, a light that can not be hidden. No man lighteth a candle and putteth under a bushel."  What good is any light that can not be seen or shown into the darkness?  Can we definitively call such a shining "light?"

Light that is not shining is not light.  Likewise, truth that is not proclaimed is not truth.  It is darkness masquerading as light, a lie masquerading as truth.  Well, that sounds familiar. There is one who masquerades as an angel of light.  There is one who proclaims that he offers knowledge to the miserable people whom God has despised.  Yet, there is one proclivity.

"You must reach out for yourself and take this knowledge. And, in fact, you will find that you will like it better that way. It will not be given to you, EVE. You must go and earn it for yourself." the ophilian voice hisses

"crunch crunch"  Eve takes a bite of the apple

"But I'm not like God?  Where's all that knowledge you promised?"  - says Eve

"Yeah-about that..." hisses the serpent... "you wanted to reach out and get some knowledge for yourself, Eve? Well, you better get Adam on board ASAP, cause you are about to find out what it's like to have to reach out and get everything for yourself."

So God comes down and tells Adam and Eve:
 "ok, you want to get all this for yourself, eh?  Ok, ok...so now you're going to have to reach out and get your own food, your own clothes, your own protection....and if you want any more of that knowledge you craved...you'll have to keep reaching out for that, too. But I'm stopping here.You get nothing else free from Me.  I gave you all that you already have. You want to know that, just look around you. Look at your fingers. I made them to mirror the calendar. Look at your body, I made it out of the Fibonacci spiral...a perfect, golden ratio. You want to see Me, you don't have to earn it. Just notice what I already gave you."

enter the snake:
   "Yeah, that's kinda what the Big Guy told me, too...."I just keep reaching out and getting my own knowledge...doing things my way now. And, Oh, forgot to mention: You're in this with me now,....so, you keep reaching out and proving yourselves, and I'll keep giving you more. Just like I do, so will you. You want my attention, you're going to have to earn it.  Work for me, and I'll give you a little more knowledge. Keep it up and I'll make you gods. After all, it's what I promised, right?"

And so now you see the Masonic order by degrees. You commit, you work, you labor, you toil for the serpent, and what passes as light is shown unto you a little at a time. But what do you get for it? You get to look at all the people still above you and wonder how you're going to get where he is now. That's what you get!

"Who do I have to knock off next?  Who do I have to cheat? Who do I have to placate?"

Masonic celebrities are making sacrifices to get that next big gig.  Masonic businessmen are putting themselves in compromising situations, leaving themselves open intentionally to blackmail, so that the masters above them can fully trust them with the big operations and huge accounts.  Sportsmen are routinely murdered by the numbers for the team owners' good luck and fortune. And Masonic journalists do whatever it takes to get a story...even kill.

People get more and more desperate, and ever more evil, knowing only the power and knowledge that comes by reaching out for more and more. Children now become virgin sacrifices, tortured and killed for the adrenochrome in their blood.  Bloodlust grows and thousands of children go missing every year. Masonry gets ever more sickening as grown men now call themselves "jesters" and live only for "mirth" using blood and gore not so much as a tool for power, but as mere sport.  The elites take it to the next level and stage hunting parties for naked children, shooting them down as they find them.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion declare that the Jews will use Masons to do their bidding and will sacrifice them at will because none dare oppose them and each one is seeking to rise up the ladder. That book was written in the late 1800's. Do you think its gotten better? Every day in the news another celebrity, another singer, another sports player, another defenseless child is murdered by the code.

They leave us their breadcrumbs as a trail of gematria and sacred geometry, mixed with kabbalah and astrology. We see the tools of their trade.  We know they are doing it. We see the destruction. We see the blood and the tears. We read the stories of real people, like Hugh Squires, who was chained to a toilet in a former governor's basement in Oakland county, Michigan and raped by the men who ultimately conspired against and killed Kennedy.  One of them was a Catholic priest named Father O' Donnell who testified against Lee Harvey Oswald as he helped frame him for it. And how many of them were Masons...well, probably all of them. They all had big positions throughout their lives as do their living descendants today.

At the beginning of this blog post, I mentioned that Masonry COULD be used for some good. After all, it used SACRED information, that is owned by no one but God alone.  Masons can't own a circle, the 90 degrees in a compass, the generative principle, the geometry of the pentagram....no, they can only use it. We've seen how they have CHOSEN to use it, but let's imagine what would happen had they chosen to use it for GOOD.

The inner angles of a pentagram each are 108 degrees, as you can see above.  At some point, probably around the time of King James, the English language was coded with the knowledge of gematria to reflect that of the original Greek gematria.  Let's look at the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the original Greek:

"Jesus" or "Iesous" is the name in the middle column.  See how the gematria of His name is 888? The number 8 represents the heavens because an 8 is made of 2 circles, and circles are infinite, just like the heavens.   A pentagram can equal the heavens and can therefore declare the infinite nature of God.

Using the principles of reduction, one could take the gematria values of "Lord Jesus Christ" in Greek as shown above, add each number together until you get a single digit, and end up with 864. This is the number given as the Sun's diameter, 864,000 miles. Jesus is the Son of God, and God is represented in the mystery religions as the Sun. In the King James Bible, in the last book of the Old Testament, the prophet Malachi prophesies the coming of Jesus. However, he does not call Jesus the "Son" of God, but rather the "Sun" of God:
But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings, and you will go out and playfully jump like calves from the stall.

Rather than using the symbolism of Masonry to further evil, its symbols and gematria could be used to raise the Christ consciousness of society.  But to do that would not be to hold back the sacred knowledge, but rather to declare it from the housetops!

Numbers are not intrinsically evil. Symbols are not intrinsically evil. The "Eye of Providence" could be used either to represent the Creator Who sees all, or the top of the Illuminati pyramid and the dark spiritual being that guides it.

Let me give you an example:

666 is not automatically a bad number. In fact the Bible says it is the "number of man", or it would be grammatically correct to say "the number of a man."  George Washington was a man, so using a structure that is 6660 inches tall or 666 inches wide is appropriate. In fact, at the top of the pyramid is an inscription in Latin, "Laus Deo" which means "glory to God."  If we look at it like this, it seems the Masons are actually raising the Christ consciousness and giving honor to the Creator.

But look how they twist it. When viewed from above, we get another perspective:

The monument sits between two concentric circles which form the vesica pisces (pisces means "fish").  The fish symbol COULD be used in itself as another symbol of the Christ consciousness....aka "fishers of men" or, it can represent the production of new men...such as the womb of vagina.

An obelisk has a long and well established history as being the Egyptian symbol for the phallus of Osiris. When a clear challis symbol is combined with a clear phallic symbol, it's hard to believe that either symbol is meant to be interpreted as a fish or a man.

666 in the Book of Revelation is used by the beast because a man is lower than God and acts like a beast apart from the Christ consciousness.  Therefore, 666 becomes the mark of the lower consciousness, or beast self, apart from God.  Viewed in this light, we now see why this dimension was chosen to represent the joining of a challis and phallus, and why the phrase "Glory to God!" is blasphemously being declared at the tip of the phallus!

Masonry has been used to turn the holy upside down and instead raise carnality and the beast. Unsurprisingly, we see Washington himself wearing his Masonic apron over his holy of holies, mocking the very holy of holies in the Temple that separated man from the presence of God over the ark of the Covenant.  A Mason is essentially worshiping sex.

In fact, one of George Washington's masonic aprons is on display at our local museum in Marietta Ohio at the Campus Martius Museum.  He gave the apron as a gift to someone important in the community.  Clearly, many of our founders were using this knowledge to put on a veneer of righteousness that veiled their true, lewd beast consciousness.

Almost every day, we see Catholic priests showing this phony bologna righteousness while hiding pedophilia, from local clergy to the last several popes ( and I'm completely sure they were far from the only ones.)  Religion is used to veil the mind and hide the beast.  However, the true and living Christ hides nothing, and exposes evil.  The true Christ consciousness is not numerically 666, but 888, the infinite power of almighty God, the Creator of all and the Judge of the world.

This pentagram shows how Phi, or the Golden Ratio, was used by the One true Creator of the Universe to create mankind.  That is what geometry COULD be used to tell the world. This is knowledge that should not be revealed in mystery schools to an elite few. It should not be hid under a bushel. It need not be revealed by degrees. It should be PROCLAIMED FROM THE HOUSETOPS!! 

And this is why I hate modern Masonry.   It perverts and destroys the truth of God and turns it into a lie.  I know who was the first to do that, the one who first reached out to take what He wanted and offered it to mankind.... and I want nothing to do with him.


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