
Showing posts from August, 2019

Trump and Michelle Notre Dame


Bears Cedric Benson


Logical Fallacies


Hugh 44

Hugh's life is connected with the number 44 like no one else. He didn't know gematria per se, and yet already had an understanding that this number was deeply associated with his life.  For example, Hugh was taken as a 4 year old boy and he also had 4 wives/fiances murdered....44. Here is a post he made today, 8/1/19 : Isn't it amazing that Hugh's name equals 44? And that Hugh is from Detroit? Which is in Michigan... Wouldn't you know,  almost as if destiny decided it so to be, he has cancer? Hugh was a publisher for many celebrities. His contracts were worth many billions of dollars. The publishing company was called "Bottomline" which came from a trademark that he, himself invented. A trademark can not be used if it is in the dictionary. However, before 1980, that word was NOT in the dictionary! It was added to conceal the fact that his trademark had been stolen! Before 9-11, Hugh had been testifying before the US Senate about h